Chapter 4- I'd rather be with you

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(Mia's point of view)

Every start of our classes, the elite people in our class finds time to prepare a party for the new students. Off course, I'm uninvited but my friends Airy and Devan always made me their plus one. I never wanted to go because I'm not one of those party people but I just wanted to accompany my friends and I have no choice.

News spread fast in our school, a party will be held at a special hall in the school on friday night.
Airy and Devan asked me to go to the mall for shopping for the said party. That's what rich people do, buy new things that they will never use afterwards.

My best friends tried different set of clothes and after that we went to a cafe to have our lunch. I was so tired! Devan asked me why I haven't bought anything for the party.
I answered, "Well I'm not even planning to go and my money is just enough for my food."

The party will be hosted by Jessy and her friends,you know the "barbies"of our school. I heard that Jessy also invited Lewis and his friends Red and Neo.

After few days, the long awaited friday party is here. Devan and Airy keeps on calling me and they even forced me to go, but I said I have to do a lot of errands. They gave up after I provided them a few good reasons why I am not going to attend.

Liam also invited me, but I said he should just look after my friends, Airy and Devan. Liam has been a good friend since elementary. I have nothing against him, though he tried to show his feelings a lot of times but I can't convince myself to be more than friends with him.

He still insists and never gets tired of following me. He refused to talk to Jessy to stop her from bullying me because his parents were business partners with Jessy's parents.

Jessy always told me that they were meant to be together because their family were close and that I should stay away from Liam.
I'm not planning to ruin whatever there is between them.

The party has begun, Airy never failed to update me. She said that almost all of our classmates were there, dancing and drinking(of course just light drinks and not heavy liquor).

Airy said that most of them were enjoying except for her and Devan because they missed me.She also said that Lewis and friends were surrounded by a group of cheerleaders and other girls were drooling around them. Knowing that Lewis was the center of attraction in that party made me sad,a pang of jealousy came into my mind and wished that somehow he was thinking of me.

(Lewis' point of view)

As we entered the room, a group of girls surrounded us, it was annoying,
in my heart, I hoped that I will see the person I have in mind. I was looking for Mia.

Suddenly her two best friends arrived. Red approached Airy and asked if Mia was coming. Airy said "No!" I felt a pinch of pain and disappointment in my heart.

I want to get to know her. I recalled the moment in school when she was about to fall, in that moment I promised myself to protect her and keep her safe.
What in the world am I feeling? I don't do feelings but Mia gives me this effect. In just a few days she's letting me feel things that never felt before.

I was irritated with these girls who
were trying to catch my attention.
I walked out and searched for Mia's friends.
I found Devan outside, she was speaking with Neo. I said "Umm can you give Devan and me a minute?"
Neo answered "Ok just a minute bro!" He winked and went to take some drinks.

Devan said "Hey,Can I help you?"
I said "It's actually not my thing to do this, but could you please give me Mia's number?"
Devan just smiled and browsed at her phone then showed me Mia's number. Devan said "Mia's a keeper, don't dare hurt her or else you'll go through me and Airy!". I just chuckled.

After few hours, Red and Neo told me that they will accompany Airy and Devan to their apartment. I waved and said our goodbyes. I can't easily fall asleep so I decided to text Mia.

" Hi! Are you still awake sweet pea?"I texted. There was no reply. I was waiting for about 30 minutes. When I was about to close my eyes, my phone lit up. It's a message from Mia asking me who I was and what do I need.

She wasn't aware that I was the one texting her so I said "Do you still remember your seatmate sweet pea?" She said "Yeah, how's the party anyway?" I said, " I'd rather be with you tonight!"

Just A Bittersweet Memoryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن