Chapter 3- I'm glad I met him

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It was another day at school.
I waited for Devan and Airy at the parking lot. I don't really mingle with other students. After what happened yesterday, I never cared whatever other say as long as I'm not hurting or harming anyone.

I have the hankie which was given by the young man. I saw him in our class yesterday but he never dared to look at me even for a second. What do I expect? I'm not the type that is usually noticed  by the others.

I'm just a simple lady who got to be bullied because I don't have fancy clothes or other things. Most of the students in our school came from rich and famous families. I am here because of my scholarship and I'm here to focus on my studies.

I wanted to be a doctor, I guess it's in my nature to help other people. Like for instance when my brother was practicing riding a bicycle, his knee was hurt for the first time, there was a lacerated wound about 1 inch. I cleaned it up with an antiseptic and put plasters on it. I loved playing as the doctor of the family.

Before the class started, my best friends and I entered the room but the teacher said we will be seated alphabetically according to our family names. She called my name "Mia Cielo Paradiso" so I went to my seat and then she called "Lewis Alexander Parker" and he sat beside me.

Oh this man is really something else, he passed beside me and he had the smell of a mixture of mint and woody that made him more masculine and desirable. Hey what am I even thinking? My subconscious mind is wandering, so I woke up from this trance and focused.

He smiled and said "Hello!"
I was shocked and not even a single word came out from my mouth. Then he said "Take a picture it'll last longer!" I immediately came back to my senses and realized that this man projects a dominant aura and he was so full of himself.

I just listened to our teacher and waited for my classes to be finished. We were about to go home but I remembered that I have to return what Lewis lent me. I went to their group and he was with his friends, Red and Neo who were also in our class.

Before I reached them, somebody pushed me from behind and I was caught off guard, I closed my eyes because I knew that the impact will be hard. I covered my face using both hands to protect it but a strong and muscular arms were eventually there to catch me before I fell. He said "It's ok sweet pea,I got you!" I don't know what happened but his touch sent shiver to my spines.

There were goosebumps on both of extremities and I feel nervous whenever he was around me. I just said "Thank you". I returned the hankie and run away as fast as I could. Well that's what I'm good at. Running away and not facing my fears and letting others bully me. That's who I am. Too good I guess.

When I reached our apartment my younger sister Keily texted me, we were close and we tell each other everything. My sister is very good at keeping secrets that's why even though she's younger, I confide in her. She said "Hey sissy!How are you today?" so I told her everything. She said that Lewis might be my soulmate. "I don't believe in that! I said. After all we were just sixteen so many will still happen, right?

I asked myself how a young man like him looked so powerful and dominating at that age.Whoever drives a lamborghini at 16? Is he even allowed to drive? They said that he came from a very rich and famous family so money makes the world go round, that is the answer why he can do everything at a young age.

I tried so hard to sleep that night. Everytime I closed my eyes, I imagined how he protected me from falling and I see how he cared for me. I'm not sure if he really cared or maybe he was just like that to everyone but for once, in him I felt safe.

I'm glad I met him! I have someone to look forward to. Oh snap out of it Mia, he'll never look at you the way you want him too.
You're just an ordinary girl.
He's everything that all the cheerleaders in your school will love to go out with. Then Mia finally slept with a smile on her face.

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