Love like you

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It is another school day you get along with Shota very well. You hang out with him a lot since you don't have anyone else to. Things were different with Toshinori you never spoke unless he needed too. You always felt sad when you were with him. But Aizawa was always there helping you move on from All Might. Shota asked you "Would you have lunch with me?" You nodded your head and said "Of course" you had a smile on your face. You got your lunch and went to the teacher's lounge. You guys talked and you were having fun then you hear someone walk in and you said "Good evening" before turning around then you see All Might surprised that you talked to him and to see you with Aizawa. He said "Good evening as well" and he looked angry and soon left. You looked down at your food and Shota says "Don't beat yourself up he only wanted to protect you." You looked at him and said "I know thank you Shota" you smiled. Then you finished your food and went back to work. Once it was over you were walking home and you heard someone yell out for help you ran to them and said someone was robbing a store but no heroes have gotten there so you ran to the place and before you got in you started to sing 'Sweater weather' you didn't have your suit on but it was fine since it was only 4 men and a woman robbing the place they were all being controlled by your power you tied them up with things you found in the store and once the heroes and police got there they took them away. 'That was easy I wish it was always that easy I usually mess up' the news reporters went up to you and asked your Hero name "O-oh I'm Siren/Hero name" the reporter asked about your quirk and how you stoped them so easily then you said, "well I can control people with my voice and that's exactly what I did I just controlled them to stay still till I tied them up and kept singing till the police got here just in case." They ended the interview and you went home feeling proud and happy. Then you got a call from Shota

Incoming Call...

Aizawa: Hey I saw you on TV are you ok?

F/N: Of course that was so easy if I use my quirk well then I could become a very good hero...but I usually mess up.

Aizawa: By the way, I wish I could hear your voice students say you sound like an Angel when you sing. I wish to hear your voice.

F/N: I get nervous...

Aizawa: so the villans get to hear your angelic voice but I can't? Then I should become a villain then.

F/N: hahaha please don't...ok I'll sing for you sometime.

Aizawa: how about right now I wish to fall asleep to your voice. Once you don't hear me talking end the call. Plus, it's your fault I can't sleep I can't stop thinking of you.

He laughed

F/N: R-right now?...o-ok alright.

You start to sing 'Love like you'

If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
(Love like you)

I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special

If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you
Love like you...

F/N: Shota?.....guess he's asleep.

Call Ended...


To be Continued...

*Sorry for the short chapter hope you liked it. Also for the next update, I want to do a Q&A and I will ofc post a new chapter after that one. So if you have any questions you can ask in the comments but it's mostly to explain this story and ask about what you guys would like to read. Thanks for reading.

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