I Want You Dead

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As you hold your babies and was extremely exhausted you hear sounds of explosions outside the room. All you can think about is protecting your babies. You suddenly see someone open the door.


As Bakugo was fighting the villains he didn't notice a scrawny villian about to open the door to F/N's room. Then Deku luckly punches the villian sending him far away. Deku opens the door and walks in as Bakugo kept fighting.


He walks in seeing F/N and her adorable babies. "Sorry for walking in without knocking but we have to get you out of here." F/N nodded her head. Deku gets close to the window they where a few stories high. He then said "One at a time I will take you guys out from here." Everyone was scared to think of jumping from a high place but waiting for the villians to come in was worse. Deku first took a Doctor down first in order to have someone hold the baby's once he took them down. Soon he went back up to get the babies and said to F/N "I promise I will protect your baby's with my life" he said and F/N smiled and said "Don't worry I trust you" He went out with the baby's making sure they were safe and passed them to the Doctor. He went up again going for F/N but she refused "I'm a hero remember take the nurses first." He hesitated and then did as he was told. Once the last nurse was taken down Deku went up to get F/N.


As you watched Deku take the last nurse to safety you smiled but that small time of relief was cut short when you saw the door get blown open. Bakugo was struggling with fighting off all the villians. "Bakugo! Are you alright." You shouted as he was covered in blood. He looked at F/N and said "worry about yourself." A villian as tall as All Might walks up to you. "So you are his lover. I thought you were giving birth where is it." He smiles and you said "You are crazy if you think I'll tell you where my baby's are." The Villan smiled "Oh? congrats you have twins." He laughed and you clenched your fist while still sitting in the wheelchair. The villan got closer "you are very beautiful I can see why All might chose you as his partner" You just wanted him to shut up so you began singing a song. The villan was under control or at least you thought. He smiled and said "you think I didn't know what you can do?" He had a weird gadget in his ears. "This here prevents your wierd quirk from working on me." He laughed and failed to notice you getting out of your chair you went behind him and punches him from the back. He gets angry quickly. "You still have energy to fight? Well come at me."

All might

All might was worried sick thinking of F/N and his babies taking out some low villians as he headed for F/N's room he saw Bakugo fighting on his own. He then asked him while helping him out "where's F/N and the babies?!!" Bakugo struggling said "a villan got in the room quick I haven't been able to get in there." All Might rushes to help take out some villians and headed to the room. He opened the door and saw F/N getting chocked by the villan holding her high up. All might screamed "PUT HER DOWN!!!" The villan then looked at All Might and said "unfortunately I don't have your babies but I do have your lover now if you step one foot in here I will kill her instantly." All Might looked at him with anger and said "what do you want" the villan smiled and said "I want you dead."


O_O Hi there

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