The Twins are Almost Here!!!

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Three months have passed since the store incident. The babies are supposed to be born in two more weeks so you and Toshi were nervous and prepared a suitcase filled with things they might need and had it in the car. Toshinori bought a crib for the babies and already had some clothes ready for them. You guys wanted to make sure you got everything so you and Toshinori went to the mall to just get some last things you needed. Once you got everything you walked out of the mall heading for the car when you run into Midoriya and Bakugo and walking behind them was Aizawa. "Hey what are you two doing?" You asked Midoriya and Bakugo. Bakugo looked away ignoring you and Midoriya said "u-um well you see-"  He gets interrupted by Aizawa "They got into a fight so I had to fetch them." You laughed a bit and Toshinori asked "so how have you guys been F/N hasn't seen you guys in a while." You smiled as you had one hand on your stomach. Bakugo didn't talk at all but Midoriya answered I have been doing great I learned a lot and am getting stronger." He smiled and looked at your stomach. "I'm sorry but can I put my hand on your stomach?" He asked politely. You laughed a bit and said "yes you can" he gently places his hand on your stomach and then you felt a sharp pain "ouch" Midoriya gets startled and immediately apologize. "I-Im sorry" you quickly say "No no you didn't do anything." Then Toshinori says "It happens all the time it's normal." But then the pain was more them usual you reach to grab Toshi's hand to squeeze it and felt your underwear getting wet "Oh my God, Toshi...Toshi!!" They all look at you and you say "My water broke." He looked surprised and starts panicking "But there are two weeks left." You look at him and say "I said my water broke stop standing there and help me." The pain was getting worse so it made you angry as he was taking so long. "S-Sorry um here let's go the car is near." He looks at Aizawa and says "are you coming? I need help with her" you then look at Toshi "What do you mean? Are you saying I'm too much to handle?" Toshi shook his head quickly "No I don't mean that." Aizawa laughed and said "Let's join them" Bakugo was trying to get away but Aizawa used his scarf to bring him. They all walk to the car and you sit in the front while Aizawa, Midoriya, and Bakugo sat in the back. Toshinori kept saying "breath in breath out" as he drove to the hospital. "Shut up I know." You said as you tried to breathe properly. Aizawa then said "You should already know that women get stressed when you are in labor." You nodded your head "ya sorry for being mean but this hurts a lot." He then said, "I know you don't need to apologize." Bakugo and Midoriya were silent. Bakugo just didn't want to be there and Midoriya was just scared to get yelled at by F/N. You finally get to the hospital Toshinori quickly gets out of the car to help you as well as Aizawa. They all help you except Bakugo as he just followed all of you. They take you to a room and Aizawa, Midoriya, and Bakugo stayed in the waiting room. "Why did I have to tag along?" Bakugo said in an angry voice. Aizawa then responded, "because I wanted to see that she was fine and you guys are in trouble so I'm not letting you out of my sight." Bakugo growled and midoriya seemed nervous "You look like your the father Midoriya why are you so nervous." Aizawa asked him. "U-um I'm just worried because F/N seemed to be in a lot of pain." Aizawa then said, "don't worry women are strong especially F/N she is going to be just fine."

*Sorry again for the long wait but here you go. Thanks for reading😁

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