Mr.Aizawa's chance

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It's the first time you go to work alone. You felt so empty. You almost planned to not go to work but then you thought. 'I need to pay bills' and so you went. Once you got to the classroom you saw Aizawa wave to you with a smile. You walk to him and sit next to him. "Hello, Mr. Aizawa how are you" you try to smile to seem fine. "I'm why are you upset." You looked up at him "how did you know I was upset?" He laughed "I just know" you pouted an said "that's not an answer...but ya I'm upset because..." you looked down and said, "Toshi told me it would be dangerous If I was with him so he broke up with me" you try to keep calm but then you see Aizawa  with an angry face "That bastard I told him if he messes up I would try to win you but I didn't expect him to give up so easily." He stands up and runs out of the room. You didn't get the chance to say something. The bell ring so you had to say in the classroom.


He ran to All Might once he got to him he said: "how could you give up so easily?!" He shouted, "What do you mean?" All Might asked "I'm talking about F/N" All Might then said "oh she told you? I just don't want to hurt her I can't give her what she wants but maybe you can. So please take care of her I would feel better if she ends up with you." Then Aizawa said, "You can be serious she loves you." All Might look down and said, "I already made my mind." He walked away "Mr.Aizawa walked back to the classroom. "I'm sorry for leaving I was talking to All Might.


You walk up to him and said "what did you do?" He looked down at you and said "don't worry nothing happened I was just asking him something" he patted your head and walked to the front of the class. Once it was time to work with All Might the whole time you didn't speak to each other. It was so awkward and it hurt. Then the class ended and you went home.


To Be Countined...

My One And Only-Toshinori Yagi (All Might) × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now