Cloudy With Chance of Love Showers

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By May, things had slowly begun to revive once more. Summer weather was just about there and it was like a blessing to the farm. An additional blessing to the farm was in fact a new little horse for the great Signe who was always thrilled to ride with her sisters. Agnetha had met the gray horse and pet him as she listened to the children talk about names. He was still a pony and she remembered a dream she had a while back.

"Name him Mössan," suggested her grandmother.


"Yes. I had a dream that a horse had come to me. He was white very similar to this one. His name was Mössan."

"Well... I like it," Signe said. "Welcome to the family."

Several cities away, Björn had gone out to visit Slottsholmen for advertisement purposes and marketing, business meetings and family visits. Agnetha had stayed at Ekerö with her children and grandchildren, awaiting his return and it was mentioned that upon his return they should perhaps have a dinner party. A summer gathering, not that it wasn't their everyday norms, but something a little more... put together. They were a party enough as it was.

There was a chime at the door and Agnetha opened the door to find a delivery man at the porch. She shoved her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. He was starstruck and forgot the detail about hating his job when he noticed Agnetha was standing in front of him signing a device that hardly worked. He could hear the sound of a man emerging from the speakerphone and though he didn't know who it was, Agnetha was quick to finish the transaction. She smiled, thanking the man and turned around with a large box in her hand.


"Hold on, Björn, I'm carrying something." She had set the box on the counter top and read the name.

"Who was at the door?"

"Delivery again. Tilda!" she called out. "I swear something new arrives for her every day."

"It's probably for riding."

"I bet you, it is shoes."

"What's up?" the exasperated young woman popped her head into the room. She gasped. "They came in?!"

"What are they?"


"You got boots two days ago!"

"Riding boots. These are just... cute boots!" Björn laughed over the phone as he heard them.

"How can you honestly need another pair of 'cute boots'?"

"Grandma, they were far too cute to turn down. They will look so good when I wear them with–"

"You know back then, I never cared for anything but my red clogs. You guys have so many shoes you hardly know what to do with them."

"But there isn't a way I will wear clogs," she laughed. Tilda opened the box excitedly as if it were Christmas and pulled out one pair teasingly as she showed Agnetha. "Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't have spent money on them either." Agnetha looked at her granddaughter as she sat in the chair and set the phone down. She pulled out the black boots from the box with a raised eyebrow and checked its quality and its size.

"Oh, Tilda, look at that. You are the same size as me." Agnetha kicked off her shoe and tried the boot on instead.

"Are you even able to walk in it?"

"We will see." Tilda held her grandmother's hand as she pulled her up. Agnetha's weight shifted to the right and her left foot dangled a few inches off the ground.

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