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Agnetha was awake early in the morning and she watched the sunrise from the bedroom window. The curtains were wide open as they had forgotten to close them the night before. It had been just a few days in seclusion on the lovely little island in the archipelago of Stockholm and to her surprise the pest situation was taken care of by Issa in just the three days. There were not that many mice to begin with but it was a concern and now that concern was just about vanished.

Agnetha ran the first round of coffee and Björn was immediately awakened by the smell of it. It wasn't only the fact that caffeine was something he absolutely needed, it was the fact that there was also the reminder of a scheduled FaceTime meeting he had to participate in with the U.S. Ambassador of Sweden.

Björn left the empty bed to find Agnetha in the kitchen setting new bowls of food and water for the dogs, and another two for the cat. She had turned around and then seen Björn stepping in with a blue robe and clogs tiredly. He had sat at the chair and was accompanied by Ares who accepted the light petting his owner had taken up over the black poodle's head.

"Good morning," Agnetha said. The sound of her voice was still of sleepiness and it wasn't long before another yawn had come through. The man who adored her every being wished her the same as he accepted a cup from her, the first of his day, and most certainly not his last.

"Do you know something? We should garden here, too. God, I hope they're watering my plants."

"I mean, you've only told them countless times," Björn had said in return. Issa had jumped to the chair beside Björn before Agnetha had the chance to take a seat in it. She picked up the cat and stroked it's fine colored coat. A purr was not from happening, and in fact, it was quite relaxing to hear it as the morning was still anew.

It took within an hour and half for Björn to begin a shower and stand before the dresser and closet in the bedroom. He pulled out a few options, but decided to go with the white short sleeve button up as it was good for the weather that day. He met with Agnetha who returned from the porch outside, where she sat on a rocking chair and watched Peppa and Ares chase each other around.

"We have buns, don't we?"

"Crisp rolls."

"That'll do."

"When do you have to FaceTime?" she wondered.

"In a little while," he said as he poured more coffee for himself in a pink thermos this time. "Sit with me. Join me," he said to her.

"Okay," she nodded.

Björn was seated behind a small desk in a white room, the view in front of him was wide and brought in the nice sunlight. Just behind him was a painting and framed photographs of his children over the shelf. He was ready for his call and checked his wrist constantly as he waited in front of his MacBook. Ares was at his feet, Peppa on the couch licking his paws and Agnetha had just then entered when his Mac had rung. She stood tall with a light spring robe on that she had yet to change from the morning, and Issa in her arms. Agnetha sat at an armchair beside the door and set the mug she had with her down, causing a light clink against the table.

Björn smiled to himself in thought of her being beside him, which was a simple delight as it was. She had slightly changed something about herself. And the more he thought of what it could have been, he realized it was her hair. She had done something with it, uncomplicated and casual, but it looked nice.

"Hi, Ken," he began the greeting.

"Hi, Björn, how are you?" She listened to the exchange and smiled, cuddling the cat to her. The cat and she had grown fond of one another quickly as Agnetha had always been loving to animals. She pet Issa behind the ears and her eyes wandered around the room as she remained quiet during the conversation, finding the two dogs luckily rather peaceful.

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