The Apology

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It was 7:08 AM when Björn opened his eyes. He was in an unusual place, which startled him at first but when he saw the peaceful blonde beside him he smiled. He had a headache from the night before, which half of it he did not recall.

He found that although nearly a foot away from one another, Agnetha was still holding onto Björn's hand. He watched her in her sleep for a few moments, getting closer to her to caress her face.

The room was still dimly lit from the break of dawn, but he could see her features well. He wanted to stay beside her, but it's not a wise decision, especially if he wanted to leave before anyone in the house wakes up. He gently placed a kiss on her head and got up.
He looked around for his glasses and found them on the night stand just where she had left them. Beside them he was amused to find the iPad he had gifted her had lit up with a story update notification. She's still reading. He smiled and shook his head. She denied it so many times, but he knew she'd come to enjoy them.

Before Björn left he wrote Agnetha a small note to wish her a happy birthday and to tell her he loves her, including an apology for the way he came to her home late last night. He left her asleep in that room and finally called a cab to head home.

When Agnetha woke up, she didn't realize she had fallen asleep. She couldn't find Björn beside her and immediately got to leaving the room. He was long gone by then but she hoped she'd catch him before he left, wanting to talk about last night.

Agnetha walked into the kitchen and glanced at the bouquet of flowers he had delivered to her, same as every year. The flowers were not chosen randomly this time. Every year he has pink and white roses delivered to her. Today the roses where red, just like the ones he used to give her when they were married.

She smelled them and took the note for herself to keep before anyone else could read it and left to her bedroom again. She wondered what he really said to Lena and feared that he had mentioned her at all.

Agnetha hated being put under pressure or to be put into the center of drama. After years of avoiding dramas, she had found her peace. She didn't want it to leak back into her life, especially involving her and Björn.

The day was passed unusually. Tension was still rising in the Ulvaeus household, and anxiety in the Fältskog home. Lena and Björn were both broken hearted that it had come to this. She loved him, but he no longer could continue a lie. He knew his heart belonged to Agnetha. There wasn't a chance he could spend the rest of his years without her being his. Nevertheless, to have to be the one to request a divorce from Lena broke his heart, especially to see her the way she was. He still cared for her and respected her, but he couldn't be in arms that were not the love of his life's. Their martial situation wasn't getting any better either. Their fights were turning bitter each time. They had come to the decision it would be best to part, as much as Lena hated the outcome.

As the late evening came around, Agnetha retired to her bedroom, wishing a goodnight to those who were still awake. She walked with her cup of milk through the hallway, taking small sips and entered her bedroom at last. She flicked the light on and immediately felt an arm behind her as she closed the door.

"Björn! For the love of God. Stop doing this to me," she exclaimed. She placed her hand over her heart and watched him smile. "What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"

"I have ways. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I had to see you and talk to you. I want to apologize for last night."

"What were you thinking, Björn?" She asked him gently. He smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Many things. I've been so blinded for years. I suddenly see it all in front of me, Agnetha. My heart won't stop about you. I don't know how to anymore. I can't lie to myself."

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