Short Distance Call

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The day had gone smoothly with Björn and Agnetha having spent the day side by side. By evening, they had finally boarded their plane for their return back home.

"Don't be nervous," Björn said as he reached for her hand. She turned to see his eyes and immediately found comfort looking into them.

"It's good I'm not flying alone this time."

"I'm still surprised you flew here just for me."

"Who said it was just for you?" She teased. "Linda was convincing. And when I thought about it, I don't know if I could stand to miss you more than I already have." She spoke with honesty, and it had even shocked her. Agnetha never considered she'd ever admit her feelings to him, but they were on a new level together.

"I hope you'll never have to," he stroked her hand after feeling her palm sweat from anxiety. He could feel her heartbeats just by the way she was breathing in.

For the two, England was a fantastic little getaway, but both had spent time thinking about what was to come once they returned. They had spent a while talking over how they should proceed with their relationship.

Throughout the two hour flight, Björn and Agnetha conversed for a little while, and after a half an hour, both had pulled out their devices. Björn on his cellphone had read an update for "Another Town, Another Train," meanwhile Agnetha had her iPad in her lap catching up on one that began to bring her to tears.

"Hey," he looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Surely, it's something," her eyes were glimmering, like two crystal pools.

"This chapter– I'm sentimental that's all."

"What is it?"

"Our break up," she said as she turned to see his eyes again. "I mean, it's fictional, you and I didn't have an affair and a break up like this, you know the way it's written. But whoever wrote it... I don't know. I felt it. I feel everything. I don't understand how they could know so much about us."

"Stop reading," he tried to take it away.

"No, I need to know what happens. You can't just tell me to not read after doing absolutely everything to get me to read these," she laughed.

"It won't happen to us. There's a difference with us and these stories. These are fictional and here is our reality." She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Here give me this. I don't know if you've read this work yet but it'll make you laugh a little."

Björn pulled up Ex, Lovers, Coworkers for her, skimming to the Christmas evening with Björn and Agnetha. He handed it to her. She laughed immediately.

"I've read this. Björn, I can't even imagine this happening... in your house– with Lena asleep under the same roof," she laughed along with Björn who was in tears. "I'm going to admit I laughed for sometime even after reading through it. You going to gift me a horse?"

"Are you going to name it Björn?"


"Did you finish the story?" She nodded. "It was a beautiful ending."

"It was, but it also broke my heart in some areas."

"I'm sorry. It's not what I wanted."

"I know," she said. "It was broken in the good way. It also made me miss you a lot more, reading all of these." He smiled and kissed her head.

"I could say the very same."

One conversation had led into the next. Before they knew it, they were finally home and in Agnetha's driveway saying their goodbyes.

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