Best Left Unsaid

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For a short time, Agnetha drove halfway from the studio to her home in Ekerö. Her heart had shook and she no longer could stand it. Luckily there was a small pond and park where she could stop the car for a brief few moments to collect herself. She understood herself well and the only way to bring herself strength to drive again was to release her pressure. She broke into a cry as she hugged the steering wheel.

How did a minimal argument turn into something so hurtful? Had she been the one wrong? Was she the one asking for too much or was it him? What happened to compromise? Perhaps it isn't meant to be. They moved too fast, opened up to each other too soon, and Agnetha believed she should know better.

She wiped her tears as she put the car in reverse and drove home, sensing his presence but knowing he was absent. The car had smelled of him and at this moment she hated it most. She was too hurt and angry and it wasn't of help to her.

Linda was surprised to see her mother had returned too early. She checked the time noting it was only 1:30 PM and by the look of her mother's face she knew something was wrong. To add to it, she was alone.

"Mama? What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Why does everyone have to assume something is wrong?!" she exclaimed as she walked in.

"I... mom, you look—" Agnetha looked back waiting on her daughter to finish but Linda simply couldn't. "Was it Papa?" Agnetha's eyes filled with tears when suddenly she saw the five year old version of her daughter before her. Linda knew all too well, and even Agnetha understood that her daughter knew. But how could she bring herself to admit her parents are in a relationship?

"I can't talk about it now, Linda," she muttered quietly. Linda listened to her phone vibrate and settled when she noticed it was her father calling. She didn't tell her mother and Agnetha took the chance to walk away anyway.

Stepping out on the porch, while Agnetha went on straight towards the terrace, she answered.

"Hey," Björn began, sounding much more defeated. "Sweetheart, has your mother come home yet?"

"She just got here." It has been nearly forty-five minutes since she left the studio. Why did it take her so long, he wondered, but he didn't make a deal of it. She was now home. "Are you going to tell me what happened between you or shut me out?" Björn only sighed. This wasn't the day for drama. He had too much to get done, and now no longer wanted to work on the songs.

"We had a... disagreement. It isn't a big deal. Just please make sure she's fine. I'll have Benny bring me so I can get my car and I'll check on her then. Maybe she'll have thought about things, and we both would have calmed down a little."

"Can you at least tell me what it's about so I know how to talk to her?" He paused for a very long time, which had resulted in Linda speaking up again to make sure the line wasn't cut. "Hello?"

"Yeah, still here," Björn came back to say. "She'd be more upset if I told you."

"Papa," Linda hesitated. "I know, you know. I'm not a little girl and I get what's happening. I know you two are together."

"Are you mad?"

"No! Papa, it makes me happy to see mama happy with you being around so often. I know how she is. I'll talk to her."

"You don't have to get yourself into this, Linda."

"I want to help."

"Thank you, darling. Take care till I see you guys."

"Okay, papa," Linda said. Though in an unpleasant situation, she bit her lip and concealed a smile. She couldn't wait to text Christian about it. They had been waiting and betting on who would hear it first. She had won.

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