Sneak Your Way In

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The day began with Björn finding himself sitting with Dr. Eriksson. He felt relieved and happy that he had chosen to see him in the beginning, because now he had someone with an unbiased opinion to help him with his personal life.

The shrink was shocked to hear Björn had moved quickly, wasting no time since the last time they had met to act on his feelings. Björn was set on fulfilling his wishes and he had no doubt he'd make sure it happens. He listened to his patient closely as he became updated on the latest events in Björn's life. The biggest worry was the reaction of his children.

By noon, Björn was in a restaurant in Stockholm where he usually goes for meetings regarding Slottsholmen. His plan is to check in on the business as usual, but his top concern was seeing Anna. She must know, as well as Emma. If Mona had gotten news, the girls most certainly have, too. Only problem is he hasn't heard from either of them.

He walked through the doors and by chance ran into Lena. Awkwardly they had said hello, but it was very brief. She wasn't ready to see him, she was only there to see Anna.

Björn and Anna were caught up with the manager, Stina Porsgaard, but throughout the conversations they had, he felt his daughter's distance. As soon as they were wrapping up he asked.

"She's told you, hasn't she?" He had to break the cold silence his daughter had been giving him.

"What do you think?"

"I'm sorry. I know it it'll be rocky right now. You don't even want to speak with me."

"You're right. I'm mad."

"Yo–" he tried to explain, but she gave him no room.

"No, I'm not only mad. I'm completely baffled. I don't understand how you–"

"Anna, it's complicated. Your mother and I have been growing apart, both have different things on our minds."

"Yeah? And what is on your mind, papa? Hm?" She picked up the folder she closed and stared at him while holding her large belly that held his tiny grandchild.

He hesitated. He couldn't tell her he was no longer in love with Lena because the truth is he was completely in love with Agnetha. He made Agnetha a promise to keep it between them, and even without the promise he knew it was too soon. It'd be adding fuel to the fire.

"You know, don't even answer. I really hope whatever had been going through your mind makes sense... at least to you. I looked up to your marriage, papa. I really did. Who ends a forty-year marriage like that?"

"Anna, it was bound to happen. The way it happened was sudden because it kept building up. It's not easy to keep up with something your heart is no longer in."

"If your heart isn't in your marriage, I really am afraid to know where your heart is."

Time. Björn knew they all needed time as well as he did. He had gone through this before, but with Agnetha the children were too young to be angry and upset like this.

He sighed watching her leave him in the open restaurant. Finishing his last bit of coffee he held up the phone thinking the call was possibly from Agnetha, but in fact it was Emma. From one daughter to the next, he took the call already trying to prepare another explanation for his and Lena's sudden separation.

By the end of the day, Björn knew there was only one person that could ease his mood. The only blonde with a light hearted smile to change the heaviness lying in his heart. He needed to remind himself what he was doing was the correct thing. To be with Agnetha, it was like destiny, which was what he believed.

It's true, when they were married they found themselves in an impossible situation to be able to carry on, but he so very much believed the world couldn't separate them. The universe would keep them together through their separation because the truth was they are soulmates. They were always bound to return.

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