The SOS Call

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The madness had surpassed and finally Björn had decided he no longer could stand the view of his living room anymore. He groaned and left the couch, only to make it to the refrigerator. He opened it and closed it almost immediately, knowing there was no food on the inside, but even had there been, he had no appetite to fill his stomach. He had to talk about it. He had to do something. Seventeen minutes from his flat, he drove to his friend and doctor, who he had forgotten all about his appointments with. With the music, the shows, and the works, he had no time to visit Dr. Eriksson.

Truly, the psychiatrist also had no time for Björn in his day, but he made space between the rest of his appointments and his lunch break. He was surprised and intrigued at the sudden move of everything in Björn's life— the changes, the stress, pressure... the things that made him happy and the things that upset him. What he had experienced in four months would make better sense had they been experienced in the span of four years. But that's not Björn Ulvaeus. He's always rushing to get things his way. It's who he was.

The twenty minutes Björn sat with Dr. Eriksson were a relief already. It wasn't that he was told what to do, but speaking his issues out loud made him relax and have a clearer perspective why this was occurring with him. Everyone had said it. He moved fast.

Leaving to his car to make his way back home, Björn received two messages. One from his daughter Anna, sharing images of three month old Hedvig. He smiled and hearted the image, proceeding to leave a comment with another message. Onto the next text, from Ester, he frowned when he read her texts.

SOS, emergency

He hurried and called, fearing the worst.

"Finally!" she sighed.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"No! Grandma is going to see that old man and you should stop her." His tension eased, yet rose another concern. He defeatedly groaned, unsure of how to talk to her.

"I– I can't do that."

"Yes! Yes, you can," she yelled, her phone being taken by Signe.

"Grandpa, if you don't stop her I'm going to tell Marc she's still in love with you."

"Signe, really, it's not like that. And it's not any of your business what your grandmother does or who's her friend. Both of you need to settle down... Where is she going?"

"Nowhere when you stop her." He rolled his eyes.


"In a half an hour I think. You'd think they have enough coffee. I don't get it, there's coffee here, and mama makes it delicious too, why do they have to go out all the time? It's gross," Ester fussed without a breath.

"Don't let her leave. See you soon."

The girls squealed, and he knew he should have no right to intrude on Agnetha's life again. After all, they're separated and if she wanted to move on, he'd let her. He paused and gave a disapproving face listening to the voice in his head. No, he thought. Absolutely not. She's still his. It didn't matter that they were separated.

He cursed and spent twenty minutes of thinking of an excuse to keep her from going on whatever date she planned or agreed to. But in fact, it was quite simple. He knew how to prolong her from going, possibly be able to change her mind, and it was wonderful, because now he had a certain excuse and reason to see her again.

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