Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV

Somehow, I managed to get some sleep. Even though it was like three hours, I was still happy I got some sleep. I thought because of that dream I would have no sleep at all but luckily that wasn't the case. I felt much better. I guess telling someone did sort of make me relieved. Even though I didn't tell him everything, he understood and stayed with me.

I felt the heat creep onto my cheeks and I quickly cupped them. The image of me shamelessly hugging Taehyung suddenly entered my brain and I felt embarrassed. Geez what must he think of me now? I probably seemed like a little child to him. I can't believe I hugged him for that long. I was embarrassed to the max and I tried to forget about it. How am I meant to look at him today without being embarrassed?

I shook away my thoughts and started getting ready for school. Luckily, I heard no voices from across the hallway so I steadily got ready. I wasn't in a rush since I woke up on time.

After deciding what I was going to wear, I picked my bag up and plugged my earphones in before leaving the house. I allowed the mellow music playing in my ears to distract me from everything around me. I didn't have a lot on my mind. To be honest, all I kept thinking about was how I was going to face Taehyung. I didn't know why I felt so embarrassed but I did. Just thinking about it made me want to run away and hide. Never would I have thought that I would react like that and I never thought I would be comforted like that. It felt weird and unusual, but I guess not in a bad way if I didn't hate the idea of being comforted again.

The school gates were in my line of vision and I took a deep breath before walking through the doors. I gazed around the hallway and smiled at everyone who looked at me. It's funny how feelings change. It was only yesterday that I was trembling out of fear from that dream. But there I was, waltzing through the same hallway and feeling better. I was slightly cautious however for Taehyung because he always surprised me with his appearance every morning when I least expected it and I did not want to bump into him. In fact, I had a feeling he would pop out any time soon so I did the most logical thing. As quick as I could, I sat in homeroom after placing my bag and books in my locker. I wasted no time because I couldn't take the risk of bumping into him so early in the morning. I didn't think I could cope with it.

Time ticked by as I waited in the empty room. There was still time until homeroom started so I just sat there, lost in my thoughts. Unlike yesterday, I didn't dream today - which I was kind of grateful for. I didn't know how I would have reacted if I had a similar dream. But, I still felt sleepy. My troubles of going to sleep were getting worse and I didn't know how to deal with it. I was actually getting scared because what would happen when I start having no sleep at all?

Breaking my train of thoughts, the bell rang and students flooded into the classroom. Jimin waved at me when he came inside and I waved back before we all went silent when Ms Kang walked in. Like usual, she took the register and told us some reminders, which this time I did listen to.

"I just wanted to remind everyone that the trip is coming up so we need everyone's parents to give your medical information as well as your doctor's contact number in case something happens so make sure to tell them."

When she said that, I thought about my situation. There was no way I could walk up to either of them after what happened last time. I was going to have to find another way than ask them.


The bell went and it was finally break time. As I walked out of the classroom, I saw Taehyung walking towards my classroom from the corner of my eye and that made me fasten my pace. I knew he was going to ask me to walk with him to everyone, which was why I sprinted off. I didn't have the heart to turn around so I only focused on what was in front of me and dodged everyone as I walked passed. Once I spotted the others, I picked up my pace and stood between Jimin and Taewoo.

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