Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV

The air was crisp and the sun bathed me in it's yellow light. I felt at peace with the world for once. As I closed my eyes and took it all in, I felt a hand clasped in mine. I snapped my head towards the direction to see who it was. But when I looked in front of me, there was no one there. That was when I realised this person was probably beside me and not in front of me. Before I could look beside me to catch a glimpse of the person, I felt a whisper in my ear, startling me at how it tickled.

As I twitched, my eyes shot open and I was met with blurriness. Slowly, I blinked and let my eyes adjust to the light that filled up my room. I lazily looked at my surroundings, trying to register what was going on. Unconsciously, I cracked my neck so the stiffness could go away and I rubbed my face, trying to get rid of the sleepiness I currently felt. My eyes wandered around me and I saw pens scattered everywhere with sheets around them. I guess I fell asleep whilst studying, again.

Without thinking about it, I opened a drawer and whipped out a notebook that no one knew about but me. Before I could forget, I wrote down everything that happened in my dream. From the touch of the hand to the whisper in my ear, I made sure to note down everything. I always wrote down my dreams because my dreams weren't normal. Well, they were normal but that wasn't the point. They were different compared to other people's dreams. And when I mean different, I meant everything's normal apart from this one person who was constantly in my dreams. This was just my secret that I never disclosed to anyone. No one knew about them and I preferred to keep it that way.

My eyes travelled to the digital clock on my desk and I realised it was nearly time for me to get up. Since I was already awake, I thought it would be a good idea to have a shower. I really did need one to wake me up.

When I got out of my chair, I made sure to do a few stretches because my body was sore and stiff from sleeping in a chair. Neatly, I packed away my highlighters and pens as well as stacked all of my papers up before heading to my cupboard to grab some clean clothes. Then, I quietly walked to my shower. When I entered the shower, I let the hot water soothe my aching body and I felt much better.

Once I dried up and put on my clothes, I grabbed my already packed bag and went downstairs. The house was silent. Too silent. The heaviness of it was definitely daunting and suffocating but I got used to it so it didn't affect me anymore. Okay, maybe that was a lie. Me and silence were not the best of friends. We were constantly at war with one another. It was always silent in the mornings since I was either the only one at home or because everyone was asleep. Also, I didn't want to say goodbye. Like anyone would care. No one would bother to say goodbye to me in the morning because why would they? They were busy with their lives and I sure was with mine. I didn't have time to try and rebuild my broken family back together. I was sick and tired of it already and just hoped that I would be out before I knew it.

With a sigh, I exited my house without bothering to grab something from the kitchen. I wasn't bothered to eat in the morning - I never did. It was always a skip to me. No matter how many times you emphasised how breakfast was the most important meal of the day, that wouldn't make me eat. I could never before going to school. It was always like that and would always be like that.

As I walked along the pavement, the sun shined down on me and I basked in the bright sunlight. It was warm and it slightly lifted my mood up - just ever so slightly. Because of the deafening silence, I ended up humming to myself to make up for the absence of noise. I didn't really live in a busy area so it was dead silent in the mornings. To be truthful, sometimes it did creep me out at how quiet this neighbourhood was but I guess that was also a good thing. Less disturbance for when I was studying. But a little noise wouldn't hurt. It was always lifeless and bare that made me think to never live in an area as bad as this. If I screamed would anyone hear? Would anyone see? The answer would be maybe not.

Fantasy... (Taekook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora