Chapter 17

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Jungkook's POV

It was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. Where was I? I didn't know whether I was inside a building or whether I was outside, it was hard to tell. Frantically, I tried looking around for a source of light. Wherever I looked, I saw the same thing, darkness. I was starting to feel hopeless and I buried my face into my knees as I hugged them. I was scared. This place was pretty scary and I just wanted to escape. It was dark and silent and it was driving me insane. Suddenly, I felt something crawl up to my neck. It felt like fingers. Before I knew it, they were latched around my neck and I froze. Before I could do anything, the grip on my neck tightened and I felt the air rapidly escape from my lungs. I was choking as it pressed even harder. I tried clawing them off my neck but I was losing strength. Was this how I was going to die? Was I going to die without ever escaping my painful life? Will I die without ever finding true happiness?

As I thought that, I felt the tears finally build up. My tears were precious and now they were going to spill after years of holding back.

But before a tear could escape, a bright light shone in my eyes, making me open them. I was met with a small light and the feeling of hope surged through my body. Maybe it wasn't over? Maybe there was still hope?

Slowly, as my vision started getting invaded with black dots, the light intensified and a figure entered the room. I could barely register that the room was no longer dark.

Just before my eyes could fully close, the person ripped the thing off of my neck and stomped on it as I fell onto the ground, trying to catch my breath. I wheezed as I watched the person angrily destroy the thing that tried to kill me. When their eyes met mine, they snapped out of their trance and quickly went towards me.

"Jungkook! Jungkook! I'm here! You don't need to suffer alone," the person rushed to say as they made sure I was still breathing.

It took me a while to steadily breathe again. Before I knew it, the person engulfed me into a hug and their arms were securely wrapped around me. I Warm even. I felt like floating and I just wanted to stay in their hold forever.

"You're not alone Jungkook. I'll save you. I'll always save you," that person said, making me slightly smile...

I gasped as I sat up and looked around. Trying to steady my breath, I tried to make sense of where I was. When the familiar room registered in my brain, my body relaxed and I slumped back into my bed. I messed up my hair out of frustration and stared at the ceiling. What was that? That dream was different. Way different. It felt soo real. It felt like I was actually going to die. I rubbed my face and rested a hand on my chest. My heartbeat was loud and fast and I felt the sweat on my forehead. Whatever it was, it sure creeped me out.

After calming down, my eyes travelled to my clock and I realised the time. As quick as I could, I rushed out of bed and chucked on a random top and some trousers. A small yawn escaped my mouth as I made my way to the bathroom before washing my face. After doing everything, I grabbed my notebook and stuffed it in my bag before exiting my room. I didn't have time to write anything so I thought it was best to write it at school.

Without hesitation, I dashed downstairs after putting my shoes on. I exited my house and speed walked to school as I kept an eye on my watch. When I was waiting for the green man to show, my phone started ringing and I didn't waste time to pick it up.


"Jungkook where are you?" Jimin said.

"I'm nearly there," I said as I impatiently waited for the traffic light to change colour.

Fantasy... (Taekook)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora