Chapter 19

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Jungkook's POV

Unlike last time, I was in a different setting this time. It was still dark, but this time I was illuminated by the moonlight. It was night time and I was in an empty field. It was quite quiet. The only noise I heard was the slight breeze whizzing past. Other than that, there was nothing. I was confused on what to do, so I just sat there, staring at the moon. It was almost like I was in solitude.

The usual dark thoughts that consumed my mind came back and I sat there drowning in them. The moonlight did pull me out of complete darkness but I still felt down. Next thing you know, I heard a loud noise and I covered my ears due to the sound. My hair started whipping around and I had to squint my eyes as it was difficult to open them. Frantically, I looked around to see what was happening and I realised a tornado was building up. It went from 0 to 100 and I didn't know how to react. I didn't know why, but I didn't move. I just watched it come closer and closer like I already accepted my fate. If this was how I was going to die then I wasn't going to prevent it from happening.

When it was a foot away from me, I closed my eyes to get ready to be swept up by the storm. However, I didn't feel it. Instead, I felt two hands under my arms and I felt myself being pulled away. The noise suddenly disappeared and it was silent again. Slowly, I opened my eyes and I was shocked to see the person's face right in front of mine.

"What were you thinking?" the person shouted at me.

I didn't respond. I just blinked at them.

"Why didn't you move?" they asked.

I kept quiet.

"This isn't how you die Jungkook. You can't die like this. Not until I've reached you at least," the person said and I noticed the sadness in their eyes.

"Reach me?" I asked, confused by what they meant.

"Yeah. Until I've reached your empty heart," they said, shocking me.

"Why would you want to do that?"

The person suddenly smiled.

"Isn't it obvious?"

My eyebrows scrunched up together as I observed the person.


"It's because of you."

I was still confused.

"Maybe I should show you instead," they said.

Their hand was underneath my chin and they pulled me towards them. The person's face went closer and closer until I felt their breath fanning on my face. They flashed me a smile before closing the gap between us...

Gasping for air, I sat up as sweat poured down my forehead. As I caught my breath, I ran a hand through my hair. That dream was kind of weird. Why am I always almost dying in my dreams?

Trying to forget that thought, I got out of bed and freshened up. I was able to get at least three hours of sleep, which was better than yesterday but still bad. The pain in my jaw subdued but unfortunately it left a bruise. It didn't look that bad but I knew that as the days went by, the colour would change and it would be more obvious.

I was hoping Haebin was going to be in because I really needed to talk to her. I tried calling, but she never picked up and I was starting to get worried.


When I reached school, I opened my locker and put my bag inside.

"Hey Kook!" I heard someone say.

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