Chapter 8

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Narrator's POV

Sun ray beams seeped through the gaps of the blind and lit up the room. The room was quiet, not a sound in sight. It wasn't until the small movement from the bed did the tranquillity of the room get disturbed. Sensitive because of the light, Jungkook's eyes slowly opened, instantly regretting it as it burned. He opened it again after his sight adjusted to the bright light. Slowly and carefully, Jungkook sat up on the bed and peered over his shoulder to see the boy beside him. Still sleeping soundly, Jimin didn't move as he was still in dream land. Relieved that Jimin wasn't awake, Jungkook quietly got out of bed and looked at the room. The room looked like a bomb exploded. Papers were scattered everywhere on the floor and colourful pens helped decorate it even more. With soft movements, Jungkook tidied everything away, trying not to make any sound so the other boy didn't wake up. He studied until 3:30 in the morning before he went to sleep. He couldn't go to sleep and Jimin was already asleep by then so he studied. Studying always helped Jungkook sleep. Although he would have to do it for long hours before he could actually go to sleep, it helped calm his mind.

When he finished tidying everything up, his eyes travelled to the digital clock on the bedside table. It read 6:40 in bold and Jungkook sighed. He knew he couldn't go back to sleep even though he was still tired. The darkness under his eyes was starting to become more visible and he didn't know what to do.

After contemplating on what to do, he quietly went down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was soo glad that he was in Jimin's house otherwise he would have heard a noise from his parents by then. No not arguing. He meant one of his parents trying to sneak inside the house without anyone knowing. This usually ended with a snarky comment from the other if they were home at the same time. Jungkook was relieved he didn't have to hear any of that.

As quickly as he could, he made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on a chair, staring at nothing in particular, as he sipped his coffee. Since his mind was nagging him with thousands of problems, he decided to let his imagination take over to help soothe his mind. The hero was still in search of a weapon and he just found out the wicked monster was far away. That meant he had plenty of time to find another sword or weapon. Out of happiness, he cheered and happily continued his journey to find the right weapon. One of his obstacles was going through the sticky forest. He didn't want to go in it. The forest stank and he knew if he went in, then he wouldn't be able to get rid of any stains. But, he had no choice. It was either going forward or going back and he couldn't afford to go back. Not when he came this far. Mustering enough courage he could find, he stepped inside and entered.

A finger clicked in front of Jungkook's face and he snapped out of it. When he did, he realised his surroundings and his eyes met someone else's.

"You with me now?" Jimin said.

"Huh? Oh sorry," he sheepishly smiled.

He was too engrossed in his own world to realise Jimin was calling him.

"Did you have enough sleep?" he asked.

"Meh," Jungkook shrugged and Jimin knew what he meant.

Absentmindedly, Jungkook looked at the time and saw that it was already 9. Damn, I lose track of time too much when I'm daydreaming.

"Did you already eat something?" he heard Jimin say from the kitchen.

"I had coffee."

"Coffee is not breakfast Jungkook," Jimin told him.

"I know. I just needed to have it."

When he said that, Jimin understood. He knew the boy had a struggle falling asleep.

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