Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

After the commotion died down, we all fell into discussion. It was more my friends learning about the newbies. As they spoke, I turned my attention to Jimin.

"Mind if I crash in your place today?" I whispered so only he could hear.

"Of course," he instantly responded.

I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks for being a great friend Jimin," I sincerely thanked him.

"Hey, don't worry about it. If I don't help you out, who would?" he smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

We both looked at each other with smiles before turning back to the discussion at hand. When I did, I saw Taehyung looking at the hand on my shoulder and I tilted my head out of confusion. He noticed me looking at him and he quickly looked away. Why are his cheeks getting pink?

When I was about to eat more of Jimin's food, I noticed that it was finished.

"Oops. Sorry. I'll go and get some more," I told him and he told me it was alright.

But I was persistent and I stood up to get some food. It didn't take long since the line was short.

When I placed the food onto the table, the speaker turned on.

"Can Jeon Jungkook please come to the school office?" the school's receptionist's voice resonated around the school.

They all looked at me to ask what I did but I shrugged, also confused on what it was about.

"I'll be back," I told them before heading out of the canteen.

As I walked to the office, I was thinking about why I was called. I haven't done anything wrong, well apart from punching Jongin but coach wouldn't tell.

I arrived at the office and went up to the receptionist.

"Someone's here to see you," was all she said before pointing to the waiting room.

When my eyes landed on the person, I froze.

"Jungkook," she smiled and I blinked.

Reluctantly, I walked towards her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"I tried calling but you didn't pick up," she told me.

I checked my pockets and it dawned on me that I left it in my locker.

"I came to tell you that I'm going on a business trip," she told me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Secretly, I rolled my eyes. I wasn't an idiot. When she meant business trip, she meant going on holiday with her boyfriend.

"You could have left me a text or even a note," I mumbled.

"Is it wrong to see my son?" she said, taking me by surprise.

Yes it is when you hardly even talk to your son like you claim.

"I'm telling you in person because I'm gonna be gone for more than a month so be good," she told me, trying to act like my mother for once.

Not going to lie, I was surprised that she was leaving me for more than a month, but I didn't show it.

"Is that all?" I rudely asked.

She wasn't fazed at my rudeness and just nodded.

"That's all."

I nodded.

"Bye son," she said.

"Yeah bye," I mumbled before walking away from her.

When I exited the office, my pace decreased and I took slow steps across the hallway. I was pissed. Pissed to the point I wanted to scream. Unconsciously, I started heading to the rooftop but I stopped when I realised something. If I stay on the rooftop, they're gonna wonder where I am. I should just go back. I thought. Sighing, I turned around and walked towards the canteen. As I entered, I tried to hide my anger and quietly sat back down.

"What happened?" Saeron asked.

"Oh nothing. It was just a call from someone. I forgot my phone in my locker so they couldn't get a hold on me," I half lied.

They all nodded, believing my lie and resumed talking. I was glad they took the bait because I didn't want my anger to resurface. But when I looked up, I knew Jimin wasn't convinced. He narrowed his eyes at me and I looked at him, signalling him that I couldn't tell him now. He nodded and squeezed my shoulder out of support. I could feel a pair of eyes on me but I didn't look up. Instead I just looked at the table. Seeing my mother made my mood go off and I just wanted the day to end.

Surprising everyone, the bell went and we all looked at each other. Before I could register it, Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me onto my feet.

"We'll go ahead since we have chemistry together, alright? See you guys later," he rushed to say as the others nodded.

Then I was whisked away from the canteen, away from the others, so I could tell Jimin about everything.

Narrator's POV

As everyone watched Jimin take Jungkook away, the newbies couldn't help but wonder one thing.

"Are they a thing?" Namjoon couldn't help but ask.

At the sudden question, Eunwoo blinked.

"Huh? Who?"

"Them two," he said as he pointed towards the direction Jimin and Jungkook left.

Taehyung intently stared at Jungkook's friends, also curious.

"No," Saeron told them all.

"No. They're just really really good friends. They grew up together," she told them all.


"Jungkook looked quite anxious when he came back, didn't he?" Hobi asked Namjoon.

"Yeah he did."

"Well, Jungkook's in a difficult position at the moment," Jin carefully explained so he didn't expose too much.

"What do you mean?"

"That's not my place to say. Only Jungkook has a right to tell you that," Jin told them and they all nodded in response.

Silently, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at his newfound information. Why am I soo curious? I shouldn't pry into other people's business.

He quickly shook his thoughts away.

"Erm maybe we should head to class," he said as he stood up.

"Oh yeah!" they all shouted, completely forgetting that the bell rang.

Everyone quickly dispersed into their respectful classrooms and the second bell rang, indicating that class had started.

#Here's a short chapter for you all. Hope you like it. Also, that picture at the top is so cute. Jungkook looks like a little child and my heart.

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