Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV

Friday came just like that. I was walking to school, feeling dread about tonight. It was the day of the party and I just wanted to maybe jump into a beanbag and watch some movies - you know? I was not looking forward to controlling my crazy friend Junseo. I seriously need to get him a girlfriend or something to make them look after him.

As I grumbled under my breath, I felt an arm drape over my shoulder and I quickly looked up. I was met with a bright grin, slightly lifting my mood up since his energy was bouncing off me.

"Morning Kook," he beamed.

"Morning," I gave him a small smile.

His smile widened at that and we both walked into the building, making me completely forget about the arm on my shoulder. I didn't mind it as we just walked down the hallway like that.

"I forgot to tell you guys yesterday but I am going to be in AP chemistry," he told me.

"Oh. Cool," I nodded.

"My locker's that way so bye," I told him.

He nodded and waved goodbye before we both separated to head to our lockers. I shoved my books inside and took out my textbook for Chemistry. After that I made my way to my classroom.

"Hey Kook!" someone greeted me when I opened the door.

I waved at Jimin before slipping into my seat.

"Excited about tonight?" he asked and I could see the energy emitting from him.

Not going to lie, it slightly bounced off me.

"Not really," I sighed.

He laughed at my reaction and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I swear you're the only one who actually takes care of him at events like these," he chuckled.

"What can I say? He's an idiot and I don't want him to be kicked off because he couldn't control his liquor," I exasperated.

"Hopefully he's not too much to handle," he said.


Everyone started piling into class and he quickly went to his seat before Ms Kang walked in.

"Okay class. I'm here to remind you about the trip in a few weeks. I want all of you to focus for the next few weeks and give it your all in your class tests. Anyone we see slacking won't be allowed to go so make sure you work hard," she told us, making us all nod.

This trip better be worth it.


When me and Jimin entered chemistry, we met Taehyung and he energetically waved at the both of us. I chuckled and gave him a small wave before walking towards him.

"So you are in our chemistry class," Jimin smiled.

"Yep. I forgot to tell you guys because of all of the commotion yesterday," he told us.


When the teacher came in, he directed Taehyung to sit in front of me since the chair was vacant. Our class wasn't that huge so there were a few empty seats.

Class started like normal and we just listened to the teacher as he taught us about electrophilic substitution. A silent, small yawn escaped my mouth as the teacher's voice started tuning out. It wasn't because he was boring, it was more because I had already studied it and I was bored. My imagination kicked in out of reflex.

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