Chapter 30

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Jungkook's POV

It was early in the morning when we came back to the resort after camping for the night. Camping was actually fun. Surprisingly, everyone slept peacefully despite sleeping in a stranded area - even me. Well of course I couldn't go sleep straight away, but I did end up sleeping eventually. Waking up to the beautiful view of the hills and sea was nice. It felt refreshing. We then had breakfast before we started packing up. We had to disassemble all of the tents and shove them back into our huge bags before heading back down the hill. Going down was much easier than going up, so everyone didn't really have a hard time. We managed to see a few stray animals like sheep and lambs, it was quite a sight to see if I'm being honest.

After that, we arrived back at the resort and we put everything away. Our teachers then informed us that we could have free time for the rest of the day because we were going to leave tomorrow at lunch. When they mentioned that, my mood slightly dampened but I tried to ignore it because I didn't want it to ruin my mood.

As soon as they finished talking, everyone ran into their rooms and crashed onto their sleeping mats. I felt like my muscles were sore from all of that heavy work and climbing. But, although I was tired, I realised that it was best to take a shower so I got everything I needed before heading to the shower room. I entered a stall and switched on the water. When I felt the soothing warm water I felt myself relax.

I quickly scrubbed away the dirt from our camping experience and washed up. It didn't take long because I liked quick showers. When I was finished, I went back into my room and laid down. The others were tired as well so they were also crashed onto the floor.

"I can't believe we went camping," I heard Yoongi say.

"I know. I never would have thought I would have survived," Junseo stated.

"Why? Did you think bears were gonna come and attack you in the night?" I snickered.

"Hey! It's always like that in the movies," he exclaimed.

"I think you've been watching too much T.V," I saw Jimin shaking his head.

"But you saw all of the stray animals on the hill. They could have accidentally entered our tents," he retorted.

"Animals are more scared of us than we are of them Junseo," I told him.

He pouted and sulked.

"I can't believe we're going back tomorrow," Taehyung sighed.

"I know. I don't want to go back. This is like paradise. Just relaxing and not worrying about anything."

"But we have to go back to reality eventually," I ended up saying.

"Yeah. Ugh, I still have to write the literature essay that's due on Monday," Junseo groaned and I released a short laugh.

"Why didn't you do it before? Remember you have to keep on top of your assignments or your grades are going to slip. And you know what that means?" I turned to him.

"Yes, mum I know. My position as our football's captain is at risk," he mimicked me.

A small smile grew on my face out of amusement.

"You've told me that so many times," he smiled.

"Well, it's good to know that you listen to what I say."

"Of course I do. I listen to everything you say," he playfully winked at me and I shook my head.

"Ugh Junseo, you really don't take a break from flirting with Jungkook," Jimin sighed.

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