Chapter 11

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Jungkook's POV

I felt a rush. A rush surged through me as my legs dragged me forward. The thrill I felt was no joke. It was there. I felt the adrenaline creep in every one of my muscles as I ran and ran. The field was endless - stretching out where I couldn't see the finish line. I didn't mind. It just meant more land for me to run on. My arms were in a rhythm with my legs as one went forward and the other went back. My focus was in front of me, nothing else. I felt the sun rays burn my skin but that just added onto the adrenaline inside. I felt soo alive in that exact moment.

My breath evened out as I trained it to go along with how much I was running. My lungs were practically pleading for oxygen but I wasn't going to satisfy them. The only satisfaction I needed was to run.

Taking me by surprise, a figure was suddenly in the middle of the path just ahead of me. There wasn't much of a distance to help me slow down. Instead of stopping, I accidentally rammed into them and instinctively, they wrapped their arms around my chest as we tumbled onto the ground. Out of reflex, my eyes closed as I covered my head with my hands as we rolled. When I felt like we weren't moving anymore, I slowly opened my eyes as I released steady breaths. My lungs were taking as much oxygen as it needed.

My eyes immediately met with those dark brown eyes as I blinked. Without saying anything, they pulled me closer and I was confused. I saw sadness in their eyes, but why?

When they let go of me, I tilted my head.

"What's wrong?" I whispered since I was still catching my breath.

"Nothing. I should be asking you that," they said and I was even more puzzled.

"Why would you ask me? Everything's fine," I told them.

"You don't need to lie to me Jungkook. I am your imagination after all. I know you're in pain," they softly told me.

I felt my heart clench at that. At their words, I looked away.

"I always am," I whispered back, hurt clearly evident in the tone of my voice.

"I know. You need to stop running Jungkook. Let me help you," they pleaded and I felt my eyes stinging.

"You can't help me. No one can," I told them.

A hand went under my chin and pulled me towards their face.

"Yes I can," they said before they started leaning in...

Loud voices entered my ears and I sprung awake at the sudden commotion. When I sat up, I realised my room was dimly lit and I was in my bed. Without me realising, my eyes wandered to my desk and I saw the scattered papers. That was when I remembered that I managed to feel sleepy at 4 am. I looked at the clock beside me and it read 7am. I fell back onto my pillow and groaned out of annoyance. The voices went louder and bounced off the walls, making me curse. Not wanting to waste any more time, I jumped out of bed and rushed to my bathroom. With speed, I brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face before entering my room again. I chucked on a hoodie and grabbed my notebook before stuffing it in my bag. I wasn't going to stay in that house for a moment longer so I thought I'll write about my dream at the rooftop.

Without hesitation, I escaped my noisy house and fled to my safe haven called school. My legs automatically dragged me to the rooftop and I slid against the wall, onto the floor. I hugged my legs close as I buried my face in them. Even if she's not here, they still argue over the phone. I scoffed at that thought.

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