Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

The sun was bright and my eyes naturally squinted at the light. I felt happy - thrilled even. The green field stretched until I couldn't see anything else. Flowers were scattered everywhere. Different colours filled my eyes and I smiled at the pretty sight. If only life was like that. If only life was always a flowery road that led to nothing but happiness.

Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder, breaking my train of thoughts and I turned around. Taking me by surprise, the person pushed me and I ended up lying in the field of flowers. I wasn't mad. In fact, laughter spilled out of my mouth at the sudden action. The person hovered above me and gave me their biggest smile, emitting their energy to me.

"Isn't it pretty?" the person happily said.

Instantly, I smiled as I thought the exact same thing. I nodded, agreeing with them. Then, they lifted their hand and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and I followed their intense gaze that was observing me.

"But not as beautiful as you," they whispered before grinning again.

I laughed at their cheesiness but that didn't stop the heat from rushing to my cheeks. The person chuckled and gave me a sincere smile which I reciprocated back. They started leaning in and everything started to fade...

When I woke up, I straight away went to my desk and wrote down everything in my notebook before it could disappear from my brain. That was...different. My dreams were beginning to change without me realising it and I didn't know how to feel about it. They were much more joyful. I was definitely much more happy in them, but why?

As I wrote down my dream, I noticed that there weren't a lot of pages left in my notebook which meant that it was finishing, again. I sighed. I need to buy another notebook. I placed it back in the drawer and I couldn't help but notice all of the other books. Just how many more do I have to fill? I groaned.

Once I finished, I hurriedly chucked on some clothes and went out of the house without a second thought. I didn't need to hear my dad snoring from all the way downstairs. His snoring was loud and hearing just a little bit of it set off an emotion I didn't like inside. The daunting thoughts would just consume my mind again and I couldn't let that happen at that moment. I came back from Jimin's house yesterday and I actually slept at 2 am this time, a slight improvement from the week before. I checked the watch on my wrist and it read 7am. That meant that I had a good enough sleep - in a while actually.

Taking my time, I made my way to school and inhaled the crisp air. It wasn't that cold, just a little breeze. The thin t-shirt I wore was enough to survive the day. I tightened my grip on the straps of my backpack and crossed the busy road. I heard the blaring of a horn get louder and I snapped my head to my right. Before it was too late, I rushed onto the pavement, not forgetting to swear at the guy who couldn't read traffic lights. People these days!

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I continued walking. I wasn't exactly early. In fact, I was on time. As I entered the gates, students surrounded the place and swarmed the hallways. Some gave smiles and some waved in my direction. With a small smile on my face, I waved back and continued on my journey to my locker. I didn't waste any time to chuck everything inside and only took out the necessary books and equipment. I heard movement beside me and I checked to see who it was when I closed my locker.

"Hey Jungkook," a dimple face greeted me, making a small smile appear on my face.


I saw him scratch the nape of his neck and I could tell he was nervous.

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