Burning Bridges

200 8 20

Will's POV

This is it.

It's actually so strange to think that I almost came out to my mother over the phone when she initially invited me to the wedding.


"Oh, honey! I was really hoping you could come back for the school year! That nice Catholic school says you can still enroll if you keep up in your studies-"

"Actually, Mom, I thought I would stay in New York."

"Or you could always go to a public school-"

"Mom, I really think that-"

"Oh, honey, you don't even need to go to school, I just want to see you after these last few years-"

"MOM! I don't really want to go back to Texas."

"Wha- what do you mean you don't- I'm your mother!"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just don't want to see your mother after all this time. I guess I'll just die alone then..."


"No, no, it's fine. I'll be fine all alone. I only wanted you here for the wedding."

"I'm sorry, Mom, I just- wait, wedding?"

"Yes! Remember Mr. Anderson? That kind gentleman from church?"

"Um, no."

"Well, me and him started seeing each other and well, we're getting married in November! But if you don't want to come-"

"Fine! Fine fine fine, I'll go."

"Yes! Thank you so much, sweetie. It's going to be in California! Oh! And bring a friend or a girlfriend!"

"Well actually, Mom-"

"See you in a couple months!"


I wonder what she would've said.

I've never really been a person for "what-ifs", but just the knowledge that I could've gotten it over with then and there is always condescendingly hanging over my head. Of course, it's been nice to see her again and have these deep meaningful chats, it's been cool to meet my future step siblings who I'm not going to see very often, and it's been enlightening to reconnect with Holly after so long and meet her girlfriend Rikki.

In fact, this trip wasn't really as bad as I'd made it out to be when talking with Nico all those months ago and I can practically feel his itching to say "I told you so."

I can only hope that all the sugar given in the past two weeks has been enough to help the possibly bitter medicine make it's way down my throat, never to be seen or thought about again.

I can only hope that once I tell her, she's going to be accepting of who I am and not trap me in my safe place under the stairs and keep me there until I'm "corrected".

I can only hope that once I leave, my step siblings are going to be able to handle themselves well and not get into any sort of disagreements with my mother on my behalf.

All I can do at the moment is hope, weather it be for myself and my oncoming predicament, or for Holly and the news she shared with me during our extended hug.


I stumbled back slightly as the shorter girl flung herself into my arms. I knew that Holly would be a bit emotional about us leaving, but I'd never expected this. I tried to rub soothing circles on her back, whispering sweet nothings in attempt to help her calm down so she wouldn't pass out from all the hyperventilating she was doing.

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