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Will POV

I find myself fuming outside of the private room after practically being shoved out. Nico was about to say something, perhaps open up to me but his friends had to ruin what could've been my only chance of getting to know him better.

Honestly, Nico seems like he could use a wider friend group and I don't just say that for my own selfish reasons. He could use someone to talk to and maybe if he had that, he wouldn't be so dense all the time.

Reyna, Jason, and Monique are good people, and good friends of Nico and if I'm being honest, they could probably teach me a thing or two about how to appeal to him. But then again, where would be the fun in that?

I want to get to know this boy. Who cares about a little crush that could really end at any given moment? Besides, Nico just got into the idea of staying at camp. I could use this as an excuse to maybe show him the ropes or anything he's not all that familiar with since his last stay. Who knows, I could maybe even find if he likes me back in the process and if he doesn't...

Well, the faster I can move on from these feelings.

There were a lot of causalities in the battle that deserve all of my attention and not just this half-way there version of it while the rest of my mind thinks of the son of Hades and what it would feel like to push my fingers through his hair.

Therefore, I can only explain my listening to his conversation with my ear to the door as a way to get over these emotions faster.

"How's it going, Nico?" I hear the praetor start. "Sorry we all haven't seen you in a day or two but we-"

"Yeah yeah, greetings, hugs, I missed you, alright let's get to the real stuff." Monique interrupts. " So, Nico. What's with you and Will?"

"What do you mean?" He replies calmly after a count of five.

"There was just so much... I don't know, tension in the room when I walked in, so I just figured-"

"Monique. You're not a daughter of Aphrodite."

"I know that! It's just... The tension was there! Come on guys, tell me you felt that tension!"

"Well," Jason starts, "Maybe just a little bit."

"Yes," Reyna adds, "And you kind of have to admit it Nico, you two could be a good match, being opposites and all."

"On the contrary, that's exactly why we wouldn't be a good match," Nico argues, "Plus, he's straight."

"You don't know-"

"Maybe you guys should go." Nico says, keeping the same level of calmness in his voice.

Monique chimes in then, "Neeks-"

"Get. Out." He insists. I panic as I hear the sound of footsteps getting close to the door. I quickly turn and grab a random clipboard off of a cart and pretend to be walking toward the room when Jason and Reyna mutter a greeting before leaving the infirmary. Nico's door is still slightly open ajar so I walk a little closer to it, basically standing behind it.

"You know Nico," Monique starts, "You never denied you liked him!"

That's all that's said before she bolts out of the room, leaving a grumbling Nico. I put the clipboard back on the cart before peaking my head into the room.

"Everything alright?" I ask hesitantly, noticing how the light blush coating his face gets darker upon spotting me.

"Just peachy." He mumbles. I take a seat next to him on the cot and he looks up at me quizzically.

"You can tell me, remember? Friends?" He looks away, seemingly making a decision.

"My friends just stress me out sometimes, that's it." He says.

"Hey, I get it! I mean, my friends make fun of me all the time. Always making fun of my hair, outfit choice at times, and of course they just have to comment on my sexuality. But yeah, that's just how friends are sometimes, right?" I gaze at his face, trying to figure out what he's thinking as tingles rush up and down my arm. Suddenly his eyes seem to light up and he smiles.

That, is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It's not a grin like the one he had on when I first met him. The one that came so suddenly when I mentioned the birth of Mellie's baby.

This one is more hidden and held back which makes it almost intriguing and gorgeous in its own way.

He looks down and his eyes widen, followed by yet another blush. I look at where he's looking.

Our hands.

I hadn't realized I had put my hand on his while talking. I'm so close to basically holding his hand. This is amazing.

I move to sort of carress his arm comfortingly but he jerks up from the bed in a sort of panic.

"I, um, have to use the b-bathroom. Where is it?" He asks, a pained expression hidden on his face.

"Down this little hall and to the left there should be a door. You'll have to move the cart. I can help you if you-"

"No." He cuts me off, his calm demeanor creeping its way back in. "I should be fine."

"Alright." I offer. "We should really get this check-up started." I laugh.

"Yeah... Yeah okay." Is the last thing he says before bolting toward the bathroom.

What is this boy doing to me?

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