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Nico POV

My sleep the night of the wedding did not end up dreamless.


Nico sat in a wide open field, much like the one he and his sister had laid down in to watch the clouds and call out their shapes. Instead of Bianca sitting next to him however, it was the blonde boy he found himself  so smitten with.

"I think that one looks like a scalpel." He cried out in excitement.

"What?" Nico laughed in confusion. In truth, the cloud looked more like a javelin or even a pencil, but how his boyfriend was able to make out a surgical tool was beyond him.

"You don't see it?"

"No, Will."

"Well- hey! That one looks like-"

"I swear Will, if you name another surgical instrument-"

"Well, I was going to say surgical tongs, but they could just be cooking tongs if that suits your wants, your highness."

"Oh, so I'm royalty?" Nico teased, turning his body to face his boyfriend.

"I mean, not to brag, but I'd say I treat you like a king." Will replied with a smile as he mirrored Nico's position.

"So are you my knight in shining armor or something?"

"You bet I am." Quickly, Will planted a chaste kiss to Nico's lips, causing a deep blush to take over his normally pale complexion.

"I love you." He responded lightly.

"I love you too." Will landed one more kiss, this time on Nico's nose, before turning his attention back to the sky above. "Ooh! That one looks like a message!"

"A what?" Nico laughed.

"That's my que to leave." Will began to stand up and brush off the bottoms of his pants.

"Will, what're you talking about?" Nico said, bringing himself to a sitting position.

"Next time, listen when you're called." Will said harshly. Nico backed away in confusion and a little hurt. He went to say something else, to try and understand why Will had suddenly turned so cold, but couldn't as Will sank quickly into the Earth, almost being enveloped into a hug.

"Will!" Nico screamed, trying to search for his boyfriend but the ground had returned to normal in the blink of an eye. "WILL!"

"Oh, calm down." A voice echoed from behind Nico, causing him to bound to his feet and get into a defensive stance. "He wasn't real anyway."

"Show yourself!" Nico grumbled, waves of darkness practically rolling off him and turning the beautiful green grass yellow with death and the sun grey with loneliness.

"How about vice versa." Suddenly, a form that seemed to coalesce  from the shadows made itself known. The setting suddenly changed so that the two were in the fields of Asphodel.

Nico's shoulders slumped with recognition of the form standing in front of him. "Father." He said bleakly.

"Come home." Said Hades. "It won't be long."

"But-" Nico wasn't able to finish his sentence as he began to fall through the previously solid ground and into an abyss.


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