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Nico POV

Will Solace asked me out two weeks ago.

Will Solace.

Asked me out.

Two weeks ago.

I said yes.

Me and Will are together.

I'm happy, which feels like such a big change if I'm being honest. I don't think I've allowed myself to be truly happy since Bianca passed. I just felt so undeserving of it - why should I get to be happy when she may never feel happy again?

And of course, I know that she probably had a nice time in Elysium before going for rebirth but the logical side of things didn't matter to me - I just wanted my sister back.

Even now, I still feel guilty from time to time. I'll be holding my sides, afraid I'll burst apart with laughter at something someone said and then I'll check myself and regain a calm and (according to others) brooding stance.

Will however has almost put those doubts in my mind at bay with sweet words, corny jokes, and soft kisses. It's almost as if he can tell exactly when my mind goes dark or when my social battery runs out and he'll make some excuse to friends as to why we have to leave or gently kiss my nose and ask me what I want to do next.

Everyone should have a Will in their life.

Though, that's not the case for the world and I can't do anything about it except try to help others. First person on my list:


It's been fifteen days since what happened in my cabin and I've spent more of that time trying to think of a way to go and confront her rather than actually confronting her. With as much as I worry about my best friend, I can't seem to find the courage to go to her cabin.

Percy could be there at the time and I doubt she wants him to know her secret. I would have to go at a time where he's busy with Annabeth or there is some sort of distraction. How I'm going to achieve that? I don't know. Maybe just go right over? Yeah. Go straight over there and not care.

I'm a son of Hades.

I can do this.

I hastily make my way over to Cabin Three, the smell of sea salt now thick in the air. I raise my hand and knock without hesitation. The door swings open after a count of eight to reveal the one half-blood child of Poseidon.

"Hey, Nico," Percy starts. "What are you doing here?" I take a moment to examine him. His hair is out and messy, looking like he just woke up. He's wearing a black t-shirt and...


Blue boxers.

I feel my cheeks heat up but try to ignore it, keeping my eyes above sea level.

"I'm looking for Monique." I reply.

"Ahh well, she's still sleeping," he moves back slightly so I can see inside. Percy's bed is pushed in the far left corner, what seems to be Tyson's bed in the corner next to the door, and one more bed on the far right, a lumpy form rising and falling under the comforter. Not to mention the unused bunk bed on the right side of the door. An interesting set up to say the least.

Percy backs up a bit to grab a pair of jeans and hurriedly tug them on as I try to avert my eyes and keep from making a sarcastic remark.

"I see. Well, I'll come back later, I suppose. Could you maybe tell her I stopped by?"

"Yeah sure. No problem. Hey, uh." Percy trails off, stumbling toward the door, his hand out as if he'd planned to grab my shoulder but thought better of it. "Do you know if she's doing alright? Cause, you know, she's.... she's got a lot on her plate. You know, the project, Quinton, home, everything. I want to ask her about it but..."

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