A New Friend

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Nico POV

I sigh as I go back into Will's room to see if he has any extra ambrosia for the predicament going on in my room.

When Monique was coming into the room, you see, she stubbed her toe on the corner of the dresser and is now lying on the floor whining about the fact that she's going to die.

Will has already left from his room and is probably downstairs meeting Holly so I can't ask him where he'd put it so I guess I'm searching. "If I were Will," I mutter to myself as I look around the room.

I finally notice a gray backpack sitting under the window that I can't tell if it's Will or Cecil's. I make my way over and pick it up. It's pretty lightweight, meaning it's already been unpacked, but nevertheless, I find myself rummaging through the side pockets and the front compartments only to find nothing.

I drop the bag back on the floor and almost leave the room when a flicker of movement catches my eyes. I look up and out of the window to see Holly seemingly dragging a confused looking Will. Yeah, that's not happening, I think to myself.

And it's not that I don't trust Will or think he's incapable of handling himself, no, he knows I know he is. Holly is a different story. I know little to nothing about her and even if I know it'll never happen between them, her getting flirty with him is definitely a no.

Not to mention I'm totally going to tease him for the rest of forever if she ends up to be crazy or something.

I turn to go back to my room and spot a sandwich bag of ambrosia sitting atop the dresser that I hadn't seen before. I grab it before marching back to my room.

I throw the little bag at Monique's crippled and groaning form on the floor and hastily pull on a pair of sneakers. "You want to come with?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Where are you going." She groans as she pops one of the ambrosia squares into her mouth and mutters to herself, "Stars."

"I'm going to go follow Will and Holly."

"Without me?" She pouts.

"I literally asked you if you wanted to come not even five seconds ago."

"Ugh, just leave me here to die." She says dramatically as she flips onto her back and lays spread out like a starfish.

"You're being dramatic." I say to her as I pull on a white t-shirt and purple shorts.

"Don't belittle my problems!" She exclaims. "And hey. You're wearing colors."

"Trying to blend in a little more."

"Are those my basketball shorts?" She says sounding hurt.

I look down as if just now noticing. "Why are you wearing men's sizes anyway?"

"Um! Fashion has no gender. Just like love has no bounds."

"Fair enough." I shrug. "It's a concern that we're just about the same size. Even more of a concern that these are too big for me."

"Oh, they're too big for me too. For extra comfort."

"Aren't basketball shorts for... playing basketball?"

"They don't have to be! Stop placing labels on my clothing!"

"Okay, well I'm going to leave you in your little pity party and I'll see you when I get back." I say lightly before making my way out of the room with Monique still talking behind me.

"Okay, well I love you!"

I go downstairs, out the back door, and break into a steady jog, not knowing how far they'd gotten already.

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