Making A Run For It

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Nico POV

I close the door to the bathroom, mentally scolding myself. Gods, could I have been anymore obvious? Not only do I have to blush every time he so much as looks in my general direction, but I can't even handle a bit of pain!

For some reason, shadowtravelling too much not only gives you the possibility of fading out of existence, but also makes you feel recent pains which, I guess includes my wrists. Even so, the pain in my biceps from that stupid wolf scratching me weeks ago is more painful, so why would my immediate reaction at wrists be more over the top?

Gods, I never want to shadowtravel again.

Don't even get me started  on Will Solace. Okay, maybe I can see the appeal with the tousled blond hair and the athletic build, but seriously, it's not something I find myself needing right now.

I've only just finished doing burial rights, Frank and Hazel went back to Camp Jupitar and Reyna and Jason should be leaving in a couple hours or so. I'm going to be completely friendless other than Monique and adding a boyfriend to that equation just seems-

Well, not that he's going to be my boyfriend. Gods no, he would just be a friend if anything. Either way, friends can betray you and why would I just add to the list of people who could potentially hurt me?

I don't want to add any newcomers into my immediate circle of friends anytime soon. I'm only just getting used to the normal ones in it. Why complicate things?

Though apparently, my body doesn't get that message as I open the bathroom door in a haste and immediately turn my gaze to the right where my room is and make eye contact with Will  who stands up with a worried look on his face.

I try to ignore him and turn to my left to run out of the infirmary which really isn't a good idea considering my lack of energy but I keep going, even as Will yells behind me to wait.

I rush behind the cabins and sneak my way to the front door of Aphrodite and pound on the door hastily.

Instead of who I wish to see, Drew Tanaka opens the door with a sneer of disgust.

"Ugh," she groans," It's you. PIPER! THE LITTLE EMO FREAK IS HERE FOR YOU!" She yells back into the cabin.

I glare at her and she glares right back, almost challenging me to attack. Instead, I brush past her and into the cabin to see Piper walking towards the door.

"Oh! Nico, don't you think coming in here is a bit... hazardous?" She says with a lopsided smile.

"We need to talk." I say bluntly, grabbing her arm and shadow traveling to my cabin. Unfocused, we end up underneath my bed.

She makes a move to leave but I stop her, covering her mouth in the process. I see her giving me a questioning look out of the corner of my eye but at the moment, I can't think about that.

At the moment, Will is in my cabin.

On his knees.

Breaking into my dresser drawer.

I hear him fumbling with something in the keyhole which makes me nervous. He couldn't have found the key, right? No, the sound is much lighter than that. Maybe a paper clip or something of the sort.

I think about shadowtraveling me and Piper out of here but I know if I do, I'll probably just fade away and bring her down with me.

Suddenly, I hear the drawer pull open.

I feel my breath hitch. No no no, I think. What if he finds...

Knock knock knock knock.

Will quickly pushes the drawer closed, stands up, and goes to open my door.

"What are you doing in Nico's room?"

"Looking for Nico. What are you doing knocking at his door?"

"Trying to find you. I just saw Nico in the woods."

"Really? How did he- You know what? Never mind. Thank you, Monique! I'm going to go find him."

"See you later, lover boy!" She calls after him. "You guys can come out from under the bed now."

I feel Piper stiffen. We climb out from under the bed. I watch as Monique walks around us, inspecting.

"Mmhm," she concludes, "So. Spill."

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