Sibling Bonding

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A/N: This is my least favorite chapter because it's just really grossly written so that's my heads up.

Will POV

There are only five days left until the wedding.

I ended up getting a copy of the guest list and figured out exactly who is going to be here. I may not have seen my relatives in years but I do remember what a lot of them were like, and can maybe figure out how they might be now. So far, a vast ocean of cousins, aunts, and uncles are to be expected, including people I haven't met yet, weather they be from my family or Mr. Anderson's.


Mr. Anderson.

Looking down this list of people, it is so easy to differentiate from my family and his. Mr. Anderson comes from a very wealthy family and only the gods know what he was doing skulking around our church at the time, considering it was pretty lower middle class.

He would always be there, sometimes leading the prayers and would always throw a little smile to everyone he passed. The main thing I do remember however, from hearing all about it while my mother explained the situation to my aunt on the phone, is the fact that he would give the most generous donations.

It immediately intrigued my mother since she'd always thought of the rich as people you'd never see, like aliens. I'll never forget the day he waltzed over to our pew at the end of my first communion and my mom's eyes seemed to glaze over in wonder. I was babbling on and on about how scared I was and suddenly, she'd look up to something behind me. I waved my hand in front of her face a few times before turning to see Mr. Anderson sending us a warm smile.

He congratulated me and soon after, my mother told me to go and talk to some of the other kids that I'd known from from CCD. I did as I was told and watched from afar as Mr. Anderson seemed to swoop my mother off her feet and I promise you, I never saw her smile that wide.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that with wealthy roots, come rich names. So, the people on the list with fancy names like Anesthesia, Barnaby, Edward, Elenora, and so on, were definitely not from my family.

"William Andrew Solace, what in God's name do you think you're doing!?" I jump at my mother's voice.

"Uh, nothing." I reply quickly. She walks up behind me and snatches the guest list from my fingertips. "Really, nothing. I was just looking over the guest list to see who to expect-" I'm cut off by her rolling the papers up and hitting me over the head with it multiple times.

"Your," hit. "family," hit. "is going," hit. "to," hit. "be here," hit hit. "in five days!" I brace myself for the impact, though when it doesn't come, I raise my head in relief. Only to be hit extra hard in the back of the head with her hand. "So stop trying to snoop. You'll see them all in a few days." She walks away with the guest list in hand.

Well, at least I know parts of what to expect in five days so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise. I can only hope... no. They wouldn't come.

"Are you okay?" I turn around to face Abigail-Violet.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Your face was making these... Weird expressions every once in a while." I feel my face heat up.

"Just thinking about the wedding." She rolls her eyes and groans. "What's wrong?"

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