Double Date

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Will POV

I glance next to me to see Nico glaring out of the corner of his eye and send back a tight smile.

Why on Earth would Nico want to go on a double date?

Though, it's not like I had much a choice. Holly asked the question in front of everyone and I couldn't exactly back down otherwise my mom would just butt into it and agree for me.

It's around time for the double date and also around the time for my brain to start overreacting about silly things such as Nico breaking up with me because of my inconsideration of his feelings on this entire thing. Or maybe it's not reacting enough...

I'm broken out of my trance by Monique walking into the room, Nico following close behind with a glare on his face directed toward me.

"Hey, Lover Boy."

"Hi, Monique." I say with a half smile.

"Well, I was just here to drop off the bomb," she motions to Nico, "so uh, yeah, I'm just gonna... yeah." She turns on her heel and walks from the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Hey, angel." I say smoothly, drawing out the "hey".

He rolls his eyes. "A double date? Really?"

"Well I mean, it's honestly a really good cover story for my mom if you think about it."

"Since when were you trying to hide who you were?"

"I'm not trying to hide who I am, Nico."

"Not true," Nico points out. "because if it were, you'd tell her."

"Nico, I can't just-"

"Can't or won't?" I avert my eyes to the ground, trying to maintain a strong frame but I have to admit, he's kind of right. I mean, what exactly is stopping me from just coming out?

The fear of being disowned. The tiny voice in my head says.

Shut up. I think back.

"So, should I tell Holly it's a no go?" I say finally.

"Of course not. It's already planned and they'll be here soon." He says very matter of fact. "Besides it's like you said. A good cover story." With that, he walks back to his room.


Ding Dong!

"Oh boy." I mutter under my breath as I trudge downstairs in my new outfit. My choice of clothing involves a Water Land t-shirt and some khakis. Once at the bottom of the stairs, I see that Nico is already there chatting it up with Holly's friend. He's not wearing his usual attire of all black but instead wearing a white tee with black skinny jeans. Holly catches my eye and walks toward me.

"Hey! Ready to go?" She says happily.

"Yep." I offer with a tight smile.

"Alright. Let's go. Oh, and this is Rikki." She motions towards the curly haired blonde who's talking to Nico. I give an awkward wave to her and follow closely behind Holly, getting the vibe that she's the only one who isn't mad at me.

As we walk, I try to find any place where I can slip behind and talk to Nico to try and apologize, however, the entire time he seems to be deep in conversation with Rikki. "So, how did you and Rikki meet?" I ask Holly.

"Oh, uh, we met maybe four, going to be five tomorrow, years ago. It's funny really. I was in an argument with my mom and I ran to the place we're going right now. She was there sitting in a tree for some reason. I climbed up with her and we just sat there, talking about our problems until the sun rose. We parted ways and kept meeting there after that. Sorta like a special place. And then one day-" the light in her eyes slightly dims as she seems to realize she's taking to me, "Uh, she did this cute thing to get the two of us these friendship rings." She motions her hand towards me.

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