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Will POV


I guess this is it.

The day I've been dreading for months since I got that call on the camp phone.


"Oh, honey! I was really hoping you could come back for the school year! That nice Catholic school says you can still enroll if you keep up in your studies-"

"Actually, Mom, I thought I would stay in New York."

"Or you could always go to a public school-"

"Mom, I really think that-"

"Oh, honey, you don't even need to go to school, I just want to see you after these last few years-"

"MOM! I don't really want to go back to Texas."

"Wha- what do you mean you don't- I'm your mother!"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just don't want to see your mother after all this time. I guess I'll just die alone then..."


"No, no, it's fine. I'll be fine all alone. I only wanted you here for the wedding."

"I'm sorry, Mom, I just- wait, wedding?"

"Yes! Remember Mr. Anderson? That kind gentleman from church?"

"Um, no."

"Well, me and him started seeing each other and well, we're getting married in November! But if you don't want to come-"

"Fine! Fine fine fine, I'll go."

"Yes! Thank you so much, sweetie. It's going to be in California! Oh! And bring a friend or a girlfriend!"

"Well actually, Mom-"

"See you in a couple months!"


So here we are, ready to head over to California to see my mother. We're gathered in a circle with some other friends including Lou Ellen, Cecil, Piper, and Monique.

Plus Percy and Annabeth for a couple days since they wanted to simultaneously be there for Nico and stop by at Camp Jupiter so they're only going to be there for a little more than week and then get back to school. Jason also apparently might stop by along with Hazel and possibly Frank.

We all get into a circle and make sure to have at least one hand on Nico and the other hand on our luggage. The way we're traveling is shadowtravel which I don't approve of, but I don't really have a choice.

Before I know it, we're being engulfed in darkness and it isn't how I'd expected for it to be at all. I thought it would be just like a pop and then we'd be there. Quick and easy. Instead, it was like travelling at super speed except I couldn't see anything and all that kept me anchored to the world was my hand pressed firmly to Nico's shoulder as the wind whistled loudly in my ears for approximately eight seconds.

I have to shield my eyes from the sunlight pouring down on us. Looking around, I notice that this is my street. Well, okay not my street more like my aunt's street since we used to visit her here. My mom decided she'd be making refuge in her house since my aunt is spending most of her time with this new guy or something. Either way, the place is huge.

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