chapter 68: Chemistry

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Your doorbell rang and you get up. Nala runs to the door but you scoop her up and open it to see a worried looking Toriel. 
"Hey Tori. What are you doing here?" You step aside and let her in.
"You and Rus missed the last two periods of the day. I was concerned."
"Ah that. I wasn't doing well so Rus offered to take me home and make sure nothing bad happened." She nods.
"I have been worried about you these past few weeks. Something has been telling me to check on you." You blink up at her then you smile at her.
"I've been okay. Have been a lot worse." She nods knowingly. 
"Of course. Just do not be afraid to talk to me. I mean, I am your godmother." You smile at her.
"I know. Thanks for checking in on me. Oh, you'll never guess what I started doing again." You state happily.
"What is that?" 
"Wait here for a second." You race down the hall to your music room and grab your new violin. You'd left the door open so you start playing ballroom music. You hear footsteps coming down the hall and Toriel sticks her head in the room. Sans and Ink weren't too far behind. You start swaying to the music you were playing and everyone eventually gets into the room.
You giggle and do a little spin remembering everything your mom had taught you about playing and dancing at the same time. You laugh loudly before putting the violin down and running to Jazzy. 
"Let's dance together!" You say happily and drag him to the center of the room. The two of you dance around to a song that only the two of you could hear before you start laughing hard. You lean against Jazzy as the two sink to the floor. Both of your souls had come out as was normal for dancetale monsters when they danced
"Wow, that was fun." He laugh out. You look over to the others to see them smiling.
A few weeks has gone by with few incidents. Just night terrors. You'd settled into your classes but were annoyed to find that G was in all five of your classes. Your chemistry teacher even assigned him to be your lab partner for the semester.
Speaking of G he was currently sitting next to you in chemistry he was focused on the lab you were doing. Neutralizing a low intensity acid. Technically it was just vinegar. You frown trying to get the solution right. 
"Why not try putting some water on it to give you half a drop of the base solution dove?"
"You know my name G. Why not use it?" You glance over at him but do what he suggested and it worked! "Huh. Guess you were right." You say.
"But most girls I know love nicknames."
"I'm not one to like them from people I barely know." 
"But you let-"
"I let my friends who I've known for years give me nicknames."
"But Ink-"
"Inky and I were best friends as kids. You shouldn't talk about things you don't understand." You look over to him to see him staring at you in surprise. "What?"
"How come he was-"
"This is something I'd rather not be talking about." You say uncomfortably. Nightmare looks over to you. This is the only class you don't have any of the others in. You give him a "save me" look. He gets up and comes over.
"Wow, (Y/N). You guys are done already." You hug him and giggle.
"Yeah I know. Oh I've been thinking." They both look at you. "I'll be going to prom. Auntie has been going a little overboard with buying me dresses especially for formal events." You roll your eyes.
"Do you have a date yet?" They both ask at the same time. You laugh and your teacher frowns.
"Miss (Y/N) I understand that your circumstances are different than most but please go back to work. You as well Nightmare." He says. You shrink back and look down. This teacher really did hate you.
"Go back Nightmare…… don't worry…." You say softly with a sad smile. He hugs you and presses his teeth to the top of your head.
"I'm taking you home at the end of the day." He says before going back to his seat. You put your head down on the table.
"Wow. Mr. Crescent really doesn't like you." G says and you shrug without moving from your spot on the table.
"He never has….. hes always hated that he needs to watch out for me……"
"That's kinda fucked up." He says.
"More like really…" you say and laugh slightly. You suddenly feel completely helpless and start panicking. "A-ah….. I-I gotta go….." you jump out of your seat and run out of the room. You run to the nearest washroom and slam the door before locking it. You curl against the corner and start crying. 
You were having a full fledged panic attack. Then you hear someone else in the bathroom with you. You freeze.
"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?" You look up to see Undyne. She looked concerned. You start crying harder. "Oh shit." She kneels down and hugs you. Theres a knock on the door then. "Who's there?"
"Undyne? Is (Y/N) in there?" You hear Sans say. You jump up, go to the door, unlock it then go out and hug him tight. "Woah, starshine. It's okay." 
He hugs you and starts rubbing circles on the back of your neck to calm you down. The bell rings for the end of the day but the two of you don't move. You just continue to hug him and sob. You feel another hand on your shoulder but you know that its Undyne. You hear footsteps running to you.
"(Y/N)!" You hear Nightmare call out and you go to him and hug him tightly. "Hey hey. Relax." He holds you close to him. One hand around your waist and the other running his phalanges through your hair. 
"What is going on here?" You hear Toriel say. You look over to her as you finally calm down. "(Y/N) I hear you ran out of class." You look down. 
"She was having a panic attack. She couldn't help it." Nightmare said.
"Why is that?"
"Mr. Crescent was being rude to her. She was asking for my help with something so I went over to make sure she was okay." Nightmare starts. "Just as I managed to calm her down he scolded her In front of everyone for not working when she had it done already." Toriel blinks and looks at you.
"Is this true?" You nod slightly. "I will have to have a talk with him. He has been clearly informed about your condition. This is not acceptable." She turns and walks off. 
"Wanna take a shortcut home?" Nightmare asks and you nod. He opens a portal then you go to your house.

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