chapter 37: Edgy McMy Chemical Romance

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You calm down and look at Nightmare. You were curious about what had happened earlier. "Nightmare, what happened earlier?"
He sighs softly. "That parasite that controlled me before.…. It's still in me…. when my negative emotions get too out of control it tries to get out…." 
You look at him shocked. Then you lean one and look him dead in the eyes. His skull flushes purple. "I'll find a way to get it out. I won't let you go back to that. I swear. I like you too much like this." You lean in closer and kiss his cheek. Pulling away you smile at him. "Let's go talk to the others." You get up and walk to the door.
You go downstairs and see the others watching TV. You hear Nightmare behind you. You walk over and turn the TV off. Red glares at you.
"Let's talk. Calmly. Okay?" They all nod. "Earlier I asked Toriel if I could go visit my parents to clear my head. She didn't want me to go alone so she said no. Nightmare offered to take me so I wouldn't be alone. I went and talked about everything that's been going on in Spanish. I know Nightmare didn't understand most of it. But then I got upset and started crying so he calmed me down. I didn't hear my phone going off. I'm sorry for worrying you…." you look away at the end.
"Ya should've sent us a message to let us know. We were worried." Red says.
"Sorry…." You mumble then Red hugs you.
"Just let one of us know next time." Comet says.
"Alright…." you mumble. "Oh yeah, we gotta figure out how to get that parasite out of Nightmare."
Everyone looks shocked. 
"Nightmare! You're keeping things from me again!" Dream exclaims. 
"N-not like I meant to!" He stutters. You go over to Dream and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Easy Dream."
For the next hour or so you guys talk. Rus and Blue's dad come to pick them up and I ask to talk to him.
"What's going on? Are my boys going you trouble?"
"Quite the opposite actually. I wanted to talk about Rus and the whole tutoring thing. I don't think he needs it anymore."
"You don't?"
"He's been doing very well with paying attention and not skipping classes. I think he's fine to stop as long as we still have study sessions from time to time."
"Well that's great. Him and Blue talk about you a lot you know. All good things I assure you." You blush at this. 
"O-oh, I'm sure they exaggerate."
"Not your beauty though. Last time I saw you, you were in pretty rough shape. I'm glad to see you doing better." You blush deeper. 
"Dad." You hear Rus say. You feel relieved. "We're ready to go. You guys done your talk?"
"Y-yes!" You squeak and run to where Red and the classic brothers are. Your phone starts ringing. You see its Buttercup. "H-hey."
"Are you okay??? We were all worried at lunch."
"I'm fine. Hey, wanna go to the mall tomorrow? Me, my sister, Toriel and her adopted daughter are all meeting up. Girls day?" You hear her squeal. 
"Girls day!!!!" You hear Cherry groan in the background at her high voice. 
"Great. Meet at noon?"
"You go it. See you then!" She hangs up and you laugh.
"Goin out tomorrow?"
"I'm comin too."
"No can do."
"Why not?"
"Girls day."
"What if somethin happens?"
"Toriel will be there-"
"WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?" Edge asks as he walks into the room.
"I'm going to have a girls day tomorrow and your brother wants to come with." Edge frowns.
"In case anyone tries to hurt her."
"Thank you! Finally found someone who doesn't see me as a child." You walk up to Edge and grin at him. "Maybe you aren't so bad after all." You chuckle at his shocked face. 
"Red, let's go check your ribs and eye. Come up to my room." You go upstairs and hear his magic crack. You open your door to see him sitting on your bed with his jacket beside him. "Shirt off too Red." You say and go into the bathroom. 
After grabbing the first aid kit you go back in and see a blushing shirtless Red. You chuckle and go over. You undo the bandages to see that he was fully healed at least on the ribs. You check his eye and see that it still has a little ways to go but you won't need to check it again. "You're good to go. I don't need to see you shirtless anymore." He puts his shirt back on then looks at you.
"Sweetheart, do ya got a thing for Nightmare?"
"Huh??" You look at him shocked. Was he really asking that?
"I didn't stutter. Ya sure seemed happy clingin to him earlier."
"Nah, I don't. I like to cuddle things when asleep." You pick up the book Nightmare was reading to you and put it away.
"Ya sure ya don't like him?"
"What's with you? Of course I don't like him anymore than I like you or the others." You sigh and look at him. "He was reading to me to get me to relax after being upset. I fell asleep. I must have cuddled up to him then." He looks at you skeptically but nods.
"Is that why you've been moody?"
"I ain't moody!"
"Suuuuure Edgy McMy Chemical Romance." He blushes deeply and teleports away. You laugh loudly before sticking your head out the door and yelling louder at him. "You're only proving my point!"

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