chapter 4: Checking in

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You adjust your hood around your face, the air was starting to get chilly. No matter how nice it was forced to be, it did get cold this time of year. You didn't have your scarf with you but your big headphones were on your head. Your left arm was in a sling from the broken collarbone, you'd made up an excuse about how it happened. You bag was slung over one shoulder as you reached the doors of your school. As you got in you were pulled by your arm out of the way. You look and see Sans and Rus. You pull your headphones off your ears.
"Heya, how's the collarbone?" Sans asks.
"Eh, could be worse." You say. 
"Anything you have in mind for today?" Rus asked and you hum in thought.
"Something you three actually have some interest in." You smile at them and you hear a loud voice and footsteps running towards you.
"PAPPY! SANS!" You dodge out of the way as Blue launches himself at his brother. You giggle slightly and see Dream out of the corner of your eye. You look around and don't see Ink. It's about a 50/50 chance he'll be there with the others when they're around. Blue looks over and sees you. You give a small smile and a wave. You do the same towards Dream. "(Y/N) WHAT HAPPENED?! YOU'RE HURT!"
"Ah, it's nothing too bad. Your brother and Sans helped me out with it. It came from…. a little scuffle. Not that I was fighting." You say with a fake but bright smile. "Ah, Dream, I wanted to thank you for yesterday. You really saved my skull." You give a small smile. Sans and Rus break out in laughter. Dream smiles some and Blue groans. 
"Its not a problem. I mean I did startle you pretty badly."
You hear your group of abusers coming and decided to get going. "W-well I should get going! Classes to get to and all." You hurry off and as you go past Dream he notices a huge purple bruise on your jaw. How didn't the others notice that?
At lunch you grabbed your book and decided to try and find somewhere else to read since you can't climb anymore. You go to the library since its nice and relaxed there. You pull your headphones on and listen to some soothing music as you read. You feel a hand on your good shoulder and you jump. Glancing up you see Dream, he was alone. You indicate to give you a moment and pause your music and take your headphones off. "Yes Dream?" You ask and he kneels in front of you. He pushes your hood back to show the bruise on your face. You flinch away as his phalanges brush your face.
"What happened?" He lightly touches the bruise.
"I got it in the scuffle yesterday…" you say but won't meet his eyes.
"You're anxious, why is that?" He lightly rubs circles on your cheek but you don't answer him. You were too scared to. "Hey hey, calm down. Nothing bad will happen. You're safe here." You start to laugh. For a couple minutes you can't stop until you start crying. 
"You don't have any idea how things are…." you say softly before getting up and whipping your eyes. "I don't feel well, I'm going home…. can you tell Blue so he can tell the others?" You say without looking at him. 
"Sure but why are you really going home?"
"I don't feel good…. Thanks for telling him…. later…." you start to walk off and get to your locker. You grab your homework and put it in your bag. You walk down the stairs and suddenly you're tripped. You tumble down the stairs and inhale sharply. Looking up you see every one of those assholes laughing at you. You groan and get up before walking towards the lobby.
"(Y/N)!" You hear Sans yell your name. He never yells so you turn to see him running up to you. Running was another thing he doesn't do often. You raise your eyebrows at him. "You okay? Dream just messaged m- are you hurt again?" 
You put a hand to your nose and feel blood. Your ribs were killing you too. You shrug at him.
"Okay, tell me what's going on."
"Its nothing to concern yourself with Sans." You say. "I'm going home cause I'm not feeling good. I tripped on the stairs so I just need to go home." You say.
"How did you trip? Let me get one of the others, we can take you home."
"Sans I cant remember how I fell… I'll be fine going home alone…" you lied so badly at that. He takes your hand and pulls you behind him into the cafeteria. "Sans…. Sans stop…. my head hurts too much….. I need to rest….." you say finally telling the truth. He looks and lightly pushes you to a bench.
"Stay here, I'm gonna get Undyne. She's least likely to freak out. Doesn't she know where you live?" You nod and he walks off to get her. She lives right next door after all. Your head hurt so badly so you close your eyes and lean heavily against the wall before passing out.
@Sans POV@ *5 minutes before*
"And then, bam! The hero punches the bad guy out of existence!" Undyne exclaimed while telling her story. I wasn't paying too much attention, I hadn't been able to concentrate on anything today. (Y/N) was hiding something. She seemed so upset yesterday in the library. She had someone hurting her. Yes there was a lot of scarring on her arms, I was prepared for that. I really was but what I wasn't prepared for was the bruises all over. Rus and Red obviously saw them too but she didn't explain how she'd gotten them or the broken bone. Suddenly my phone goes off in my pocket.
Dream: Hey Sans, that girl, (Y/N), she says shes going home.
Me: what? Why?
Dream: said she wasn't feeling good. Shes scared of something Sans. Theres a huge bruise on her jaw line and she kept flinching away from me.
Me: well she is shy.
Dream: it's more than that.
Me: well I'll go look for her.
I stand up and everyone looks at me and I laugh slightly. "I gotta go find someone, be back soon." I walk out of the cafeteria and catch a pink hoodie limping towards the doors. I start to run towards her. "(Y/N)!" She turns and looks shocked to see me yell and run towards her. Soon I catch up to her and start talking without taking much notice of her appearance. "You okay? Dream just messaged m- are you hurt again?" I notice her nose bleeding and her breathing labored. Her hand goes to her nose and she shrugs.
"Okay, tell me what's going on."
"Its nothing to concern yourself with Sans." She was lying. That's easy to tell even without me being a judge. "I'm going home cause I'm not feeling good. I tripped on the stairs so I just need to go home." She said, telling the truth and a lie all at once.
"How did you trip? Let me get one of the others, we can take you home." 
"Sans I cant remember how I fell… I'll be fine going home alone…" she was so bad at lying today, usually she's better. I grab her hand and drag her back to my friends but she keeps trying to pull away from me. "Sans…. Sans stop…. my head hurts too much….. I need to rest….." I look her over and she looks bad. I lightly urge her to sit on a bench and she looks relieved. 
"Stay here, I'm gonna get Undyne. She's least likely to freak out. Doesn't she know where you live?" She nods and I get up. This can't be good. She looked ready to pass out. I teleported to the others. "Undyne, need your help!" I sputter out. Everyone looks concerned. I dont panic often.
"Sans, what's going on?" She asks.
"Please Undyne. You'll see just… please…" I say and she gets up.
"Let's go then." I rush to where I left (Y/N) only to see her passed out.
"Shit!" I run over to her and skid to a stop. "Hey hey, (Y/N) get up. You gotta open your eyes." 
"Sans what happened?" 
"She fell down the stairs. I don't know how. I will find out though. Can you help me get her home?"
"Of course. We are neighbors after all." She gently picks (Y/N) up and we go to her house.

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