chapters 35: Annoyance

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Every class you had you worked hard in to catch up with what you missed. Everyone was still surprised by your actions earlier. You and your friends had a good day. Going to lunch you see Lust coming towards you so you flip him off and run after Sans. Your tutoring session goes well, honestly you didn't think they needed your help anymore. You were going to talk to their dads and explain it. Ever since you've gotten to be friends they've been doing better in classes. You walk through your front door while talking to Red.
"We should convert one of the upstairs rooms into a study room for us all to be able to study in."
"HUMAN!" you look over to see Black there with Edge.
"YOU SEEM INTERESTING. I DEMAND TO KNOW YOU BETTER." You hum for a moment before shaking your head.
"I don't trust you. You're lucky I'm not kicking you out of my house."
"My name is on the deed. Has been for the last eight years. My aunt's is on it too but that's only because a nine year old can't buy a house themselves. Next year she's taking her name off of it though. This is MY house. I may have a soul of kindness but I'm not afraid to put my foot down." You walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. You eat it and throw the core out. You turn to see Black there.
"Get out." You interrupt him.
"Get out. I don't want you in my house." He starts to growl at you and you cross your arms. "You don't scare me. I want you out." He blinks in surprise. 
"Ey, sweetheart, need help?" 
"Red, get him out of here." You don't break eye contact with the swapped version of him.
"Sounds good." He picks Black up with his magic and takes him outside. You go upstairs and change into shorts and a t-shirt. You braid your hair as you go downstairs. Red and Edge look at you confused. 
"Obviously I'm going downstairs to blow off some steam." You go to the basement door and open it.
"Wait, isnt that a closet?" Red asks and you laugh before going downstairs. Once down there you wrap your hands and feet in boxer's wrap before going to your punching bag.
You start punching and kicking at the bag. When you hit it too hard you move out of the way before you could get hit with it. You see the boys out of the corner of your eye but pay them no mind. After around ten minutes you stop your punching.
"Holy shit sweetheart. Why don't you show those assholes that you could kick the shit out of them?"
You look over to see him and Edge looking at you shocked. You shrug at them before taking off the wrappings. "I don't like fighting. It's not my thing. I do this just in case I come across humans who want to hurt me."
"I have to be Edge. It's the only thing that's kept me sane."
Red laughs before coming over and hugging you. "You're fuckin amazin." You hug him back and giggle. 
"Let's go upstairs and look at what room would be best to convert to a study room."
The next few days Black kept trying to talk to you but your friends kept him away. At lunch Friday you were talking to Nightmare when a hand is put on your shoulder. You look over and see Black standing there. "God, don't you get that I don't like you and don't want you around?" You say and smack his hand away. You get anxious because you were wearing a thinner shirt today.
"Quick? QUICK?!" You yell at him and the others get nervous. "I am NOT being quick about this. You tortured me for YEARS. I'll never forgive you for your part in everything." You hiss the last part and storm off. You go to the guidance office and knock on the door. 
"Hello (Y/N)." Toriel says. You walk over and hug her.
"I'm mad Tori…. can we meet up tomorrow? Me, you, Frisk, Cammie and Buttercup?"
"Do you want to talk about what's upsetting you?"
"Blackberry….. he keeps following me around. I've made it clear that I don't want to be around him. He was one of the worst ones to torment me before that incident….."
"Wasn't Nightmare one to as well?"
"Nightmare was being controlled by a parasite." You say. "He wasn't in control of his actions."
"But Blackberry hasn't had the best time growing up."
"That's no reason to hurt others though." You take off your thin sweater. You had a tank top on underneath it. "I never do that to others."
"I know. And what you're amazing for you but please just try to understand."
You sigh and look away. "I'm trying Tori…. just too many bad memories…. I'm scared.... I don't want to get hurt any-" theres a knock on the door.
"Toriel, is (Y/N) in there?" You hear Nightmare say.
You get up, open the door, pull him in and hug him. "Shes…. upsets you can see."
He hesitates before hugging you back and putting a hand on your head.
"I'm scared Nightmare….." you say. He gently pets your head to try and calm you down.
"I know but we have you. You're safe with us." You cuddle closer to him.
"I don't...." you turn to Toriel. "Can I be excused for the rest of the day? I want to go see my parents...."
"I mean, I wouldn't mind if I knew you would be okay doing so."
"I just want to talk to them. To clear my head."
"I don't think that's the best idea." Toriel said. "You should go after school." You sigh. 
"Fine…" You say softly. You grab your sweater and throw it on. Then you leave the room. Nightmare follows close behind you.
"Are you okay?"
"Nah, I don't wanna talk about it though."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Nope. I wanna punch something but that's not a good idea."
"Yeah, that's not something that I can help with. You wanna go visit them?" 
"What do you mean?"
"You know Dream and I have pretty much the same powers. I could take them to see them."
"Would you?"
"As long as you tell me where."
You nod and tell him. He opens a portal and you go through.

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