chapter 36: Comfort

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You step onto the gravel of the parking lot Nightmare was right behind you. You sigh and walk through the gates. Nightmare was right behind you and you stop at the headstone and kneel down. Dad was the one to teach you Spanish. Whenever you come here you talk you always speak how he taught you. "Hey mom, dad. Today hasn't been good. I'm trying so hard but I don't know what to do anymore...." You lean against the side of the headstone and Nightmare kneels in front of you. He takes your hand and starts tracing random patterns on it, trying to comfort you. "I keep trying to be brave and to give second chances but I'm scared…… I miss you both……." you lay your head against the stone and close your eyes. "I wish you were here…….. its been so hard without you….. I'll figure it out though. I swear it. You didn't raise someone who quits." You grin softly but feel tears fall from your eyes. You feel Nightmare brush them away and lean into his touch. He seemed surprised by that. You look at him before crawling over and hugging them.
"You're okay." He says softly as he strokes your hair. You cuddle closer to him, he felt warm. 
"I miss them……"
"I know…. it's okay to cry. It'll help." So you do just that. You cry. Then you cry some more. You both ignore your phones going off. Your friends wondering where you went. You'll apologize for it later. After a little bit you start to calm down. Nightmare helps you up and makes a portal to your room. 
You let him lead you to your bed and you lay down. He sits on the edge and watches you. Grabbing one of his hands you look up at him with pleading eyes. Silently asking him not to go. He sighs and gets comfortable next to you. "Would you like me to read to you?"
"Y-you would?"
"Of course. What book would you like?"
You think for a moment before looking him in the eyes. "Can you read me the princess bride?"
"Sure." He floats the book over to the two of you. You snuggle up to his side, your head was on his shoulder and your arm wrapped around his waist, like he was a teddy bear. His soft voice reading one of your favorite books was soothing, like a calm melody. As he read he would run his phalanges through your hair and after a couple chapters you were asleep. 
"Ya shouldn't've taken her." You hear distantly.
"Did you expect me to just leave her miserable?" There was a soft rumbling under your head as you heard Nightmare speak.
"Nightmare, Red isn't saying that." Dream says. You crack your eyes open. You're still in your room and still cuddling up to Nightmare. You notice his form flickering back and forth between his corrupted form and his normal form.
You fully open your eyes and put a hand to his cheek. "Calm yourself…." you mumble. He stiffens but stays in his normal form. You look up and turn his head so he's looking at you. "Relax…." you smile at him. You feel him sigh but relax. You look to your other friends. "I asked him to take me. Don't be upset with him."
"You didn't answer anyone for hours." Sans says. 
"Because I was crying. He was calming me down."
"We were worried." Rus says.
"I'm not helpless!" You yell at them. They all look surprised. "I wasn't by myself! You guys keep treating me like a child…" you start to cry and Nightmare pulls you closer to him. You hide your face. "Leave me be for right now….."  
"(Y/N)-" Dream says. 
"Please……" you hear them leave and Nightmare holds you closer to him. "Nightmare?...."
"Please don't leave me….."
"I wont."

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