chapter 28: Day off

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You wake up and rub your eyes. For a moment you wondered where you were but last night came back fast. You look down to see Ink still asleep with his head on your lap. You slip out from under him and use the washroom. When you come out you see Com standing there with a piece of paper. 
"What's that?"
"The note he left last night… you were right, he was going to do something…"
"Has he ever had the opportunity to talk to someone?"
"He did for a few months after your parents passed….. but it might be a good idea for us to try…."
"He needs to forgive himself. That's not something you can rush." You hear the boys get up and yawn before starting to talking among themselves. You stick your head in the livingroom to see them all cuddled up on the couch. You turn back to Com. "Let's make them something to eat." She nods and you both start to cook.
After about 10 minutes they come into the kitchen. "Smells good." Dream says. 
"Ink, wanna spend the weekend at my place? I can invite everyone over." You look over your shoulder at him and smile softly. "We can visit mom and dad too if you want."
"The sleepover sounds good…." he says softly as you make plates for everyone but yourself. Breakfast doesn't sit well with you normally. Besides you wanted to make sure Ink was eating.
"Breakfast doesn't sit well with me. My body tends to reject it." You explain to them and they nod. "I'll message the others and ask if they want to do that." You see that it's only 8 in the morning. You all slept only about 2 hours. Ink yawns and you make a call to Red. 
"Sweetheart!" Red yells when he answers.
"You with the others?"
"Rus, Classic, Nightmare and Comet are all here." He says and you hum.
"Put yourself on speaker. I got something to talk to all of you guys about." He does that and you do so too.
"Okay, sweetheart."
"Hey guys, I'm here with Ink, Blue and Dream." You hear your friends talk among themselves. You clap and clear your throat. "Guys focus."
"What's going on? Dream sent me a text early this morning about an emergency." Nightmare says.
"I got the same from Blue." Rus says. You hear Ink yawn and he falls asleep sitting up.
"Woah!" The boys catch their friend. "Y-yeah an emergency….. you guys wanna spend the weekend at my place?"
"All of us?" Comet asks.
"Of course Comet."
Suddenly you hear a new voice yell. "Comet!"
"Is that Abyss?" You ask and Sans sighs.
"Yeah. It is." He says. 
"Hi Abyss!" You call and everyone goes quiet.
"Well well, seems like you remember me now." 
"Yeah you were pretty close with us as kids. You and Jazzy wanna come over this weekend too?"
"I'll ask him but I'm in."
"Okay guys, I'll explain what happened when you come over. Gotta go now. Later!" Everyone says goodbye and you hang up.
Dream and Blue bring Ink into the livingroom again and lay him on the couch.
"Maybe we should get some more sleep." Dream says and you all agree. You all take a 3 more hour nap. You were clinging to Ink the whole time. You had to make sure he was safe.
You feel something poking your cheek and you mumble and smack it away. You hear a soft chuckle and the poking starts again. You grumble and open an eye. You see Ink looking at you with a small smile on his face.
"Hey sunshine…" he says softly. You grumble and close your eyes again and cuddle closer to him. "You know,  I'm glad that you're hugging me and stuff but I'm hungry…"
You sigh and sit up. "I don't feel like cooking…."
"I'll just grab an apple."
"No. Stay. I'll get it." You get up and go to the kitchen. You grab him a couple apples and go back. You were a little sore from last night, because of the rolling around. You come back to see Ink flicking through the TV channels. 
"Inky…" you say softly and he looks at you. You sit beside him and hand him the apples. "Why did you try to do that?....." he stiffens. 
"Well….. I….." you hug him. "Everything lately….. I guess it just got to me….. you know?....." you smile and when he goes to say something else you stuff one of the apples in his mouth. 
"No matter what you're going through doing that isn't the answer. If you ever feel like that you need to talk to someone. Me, Blue or Dream would always listen. So please…. don't do that….. I don't want to lose someone else I care about….." his face looks shocked and he nods as he eats his apple. You hand the other to him. "Thought you could use two of them."
After a little while the others get up and go home to get stuff ready to come over for the weekend and you go with Ink to his room. It hadn't changed much since you were kids and you watch as he gets some changes of clothing before putting them in his bag.
"There, that should do it." Ink says. 
"Alright." You hold your hand out to him and he takes it. You lead him down the stairs and out the door. Once he locked the door you gently pull him along with you. He chuckles and you two walk and talk. Soon he comes to a stop between a couple houses. 
"Blue! Dream! You two ready?" He calls out and walks to one of them. You notice Blue  popping his head out of the upstairs window of the one Ink was walking towards. 
"ALMOST READY INK! COME ON IN!" Blue says. As you were going to follow you had your wrist grabbed in a tight but not painful grip. You look to see Geno there.
"Heya, can we talk?"

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