chapter 67: A second too late

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You go through the day without saying anything except for when teachers had asked. You'd ignored everyone else. You hadn't tried to hide the cuts on your arm and when Toriel asked how it happened you'd told her it was an accident. 
Currently its lunch time and you're sitting high in the tree you normally would reading a book. You hear the branches below you rustle. You continue to read though. "(Y/N)." It was Black. He was being quiet though. You ignore him and continue to read. "Listen. I know you think I did nothing after figuring shit out but that's wrong." You close your book and jump up higher. You knew the branches higher up were unstable but you didn't care. 
"BLACK, IS SHE OKAY?" You hear Edge yell.
"BE QUIET!" He snaps back. "(Y/N) please listen to me." You turn your head to look at him out of the corner of your eye. He noticed and smiles slightly. "Why not come back down to the more stable branches?"
You settle yourself on the unstable branch and just stare forward. You hear Black sigh. "(Y/N) please." You don't move and he sighs again. "Fine. I wont force you to." You're slightly shocked but relax. "I went and talked to him about it and honestly…. We beat each other to hell." Just then the branch under you gives out. You let out a small scream. Black tries to catch you but is a second too late. You close your eyes tightly but just before you hit the ground you land in a pair of arms. You open your eyes to see Edge looking at you with a frown.
"I AM GETTING RED TO TAKE  HOME. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE TODAY." He declared. Black jumps to the ground and Edge takes you to your friends. You stay silent the whole time as Edge carries you around with Black following. "RED!" Edge yells as you two were getting close. 
"Yeah br- what happened." He says. You look away.
"TAKE HER HOME. SHE FELL OUT OF THE TREE BUT I MANAGED TO CATCH HER UNLIKE SHORTFELL. HE WAS UP THERE TALKING AND MISSED HER." He puts you down and you stare at your feet. Red comes over and puts a hand on your head.
"Ya wanna go home?" You look up at him before hugging him. "Sweetheart?" 
"......I'm sorry……" you whisper and he hugs you tightly.
"No need ta be sorry." He pulls you closer to him. You hear Abyss cough and you chuckle softly.
"Jealous fluff boy?...." you halfheartedly joke with him.
"Come here." He pats the seat beside him. You let go of Red and indicate that you wanna go over and he lets you go. You walk over and sit next to Abyss before cuddling up to him.
"G-guys?...." you say softly and everyone looks at you. 
"What's up, sunshine?"
"I…. I-I remember what happened the day of t-the Christmas party……." You say softly. They all freeze. "I don't…… don't really want to talk about it……. Geno is the one that stopped it though……… I'm sorry for how I acted today….." Blue hugs you and you wrap your arms around his.
"Relax starshine. We get that you aren't doing well."
You look at your friends. "Don't leave me alone…." You plead with them and Jazzy hugs you as well.
"We aren't leaving you sweet pea." He says.
"It probably isn't a good idea for you to be here though." Nightmare says.
"We could take you home if you want." Dream says. You look at the twins with pleading eyes.
"We wouldn't leave you alone." They both say at the same time. Theres a silence in the air before you break out in a giggling fit. You hear footsteps coming over and you look to see Cross and Geno. You stop laughing.
"Hello boys." You say in a calm voice. You weren't upset anymore. Just uneasy.
"H-hi (Y/N)..." Cross said nervously. You tilt your head in confusion. 
"Are you okay Cross?" You ask as you get up. You walk to the taller monster and he looks away. You tap his cheek and he flinches away but looks at you. "Are you afraid I'm still upset about that thing around Halloween?"
"We heard about you slapping G this morning." Geno says. "He has a bruise on his cheek because of it."
You start laughing. "Y-you two think t-that I'm g-gonna hit you o-over minor things?" You say but cant hold in your giggles so it makes you stumble over your words.
"Only reason she did that to him cause he was usin magic on her." Red says. You look over shocked 
"You realized that?"
"After a few months of livin with ya I know how ya react. Why do ya think I dont use magic on ya unless needed?"
"Because your control sucks." You say with a straight face and everyone laughs except Red who hides in his hood. "Anyways, you two haven't given me a reason to slap you so you're all good." You say with a smile.
"About this morning." Geno says and you hold up your hand to stop him.
"Its fine. I over reacted. I couldn't really remember what happened that day. So thanks. Now I can overcome it. Though keep your brother away from me. I don't want to dust any monster." You turn back to your friends as Cross speaks up.
"(Y/N)?" You turn your head to him. "I-I was wondering…. Sometime would y-you like to hang out and g-get to know each other? I know we didn't get off on the right foot to begin with but-" 
"Sounds great. I'll get your number from Nightmare and we can hang at the arcade or something." You say then yawn loudly. You blush and realize that you don't have anything to hide your face with so you hide behind your hands and groan. Rus laughs at you and pulls you to him.
"I'll take her home. She needs rest." He says and picks you up. You look to Red.
"Bring my jacket home?" He nods and you lean against Rus before closing your eyes. You two teleport back to your house. You open your eyes to see the livingroom. 
"Thought we could watch movies. And I can take care of those scratches on your arm." You blink then laugh slightly.
"Completely forgot about those." You rub the back of your neck. "Edge grabbed my arm after I went off on Black.. he still had those stupid clawed gloves on." You say as the two of you sit down. Rus heals the scratches until they're nothing more than little red marks. 
"There you are Sweets. Let's watch a movie." He pulls your head to his chest and puts on the fox and the hound. About 20 minutes into the movie you fall asleep.
The crack of magic woke you up with a start. You'd been leaning heavily on Rus and you see the others there. "H-hi guys." You stutter out. They all laugh at how flustered you were. "Shut uuuuuuuuuup…" you groan. 

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