chapter 44: Halloween's eve

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Halloween was tomorrow. You decide to decorate the house. Red helped you by using his magic to float you up to string up decorations around. You put up your hair as you hear the doorbell ring. You look at your outfit and shrug. You scoop up Nala and answer the door to see Black.
"Good afternoon Black. Do you and Edge have another project?" He doesn't answer as he stares at you in shock. You sigh and pull him in by the bandana. "You keep your mouth shut about the scars for now." He nods.
Nala meows from your arms, demanding attention. You scratch her head. "YOU HAVE A CAT?" 
"Yep, found her Monday." You look to see Edge at the top of the stairs. "Her name is Nala." Nala grabs your hand and starts chewing lightly on it. You notice Red leaning on the doorframe with his eye glowing. You give him a look telling him to behave. You hand Nala to Black who looks shocked. "Bring her up to Edge. I have stuff to do." You walk past him into the kitchen then wash your hands. 
You start making cupcakes first. They were chocolate with black food colouring in them. You bake them and set them aside to cool as you make your next set. They were vanilla with orange colouring. They cook quickly and then are set aside to cool. Next you start making cookies. You notice Red trying to take some of the cookie dough but you smack his hands away.
"You wait. You can have a cookie after. Just one though." He grumbles but goes to the livingroom. Soon all your cookies were cooked and the cupcakes are cooled so you start with the icing. You decide to make a buttercream frosting for them. You do and split it into three parts, one noticeably smaller than the others. You dye each a different colour and then decorate the cupcakes. When they were all done you grin and nod. You get three plates and put one of everything you made in them. 
"Red, come here." He comes out of the livingroom and his grin widens. You hand him one of the plates and he returns to the livingroom. You take the other two plates upstairs. You knock on Edges door and after a moment you hear a gruff voice.
"COME IN." Edge says. You expertly open the door with your full hands and Nala climbed up you to your shoulder. 
"Would you two like some sweets?" You notice both of them had a blush on their faces and were looking away. "Figured you'd like samples of what I was making." You hand each of them a plate. "I'm gonna go make sure Red doesn't eat it all before tomorrow." You leave the room and close the door. You hurry to the stairs then slide down the banister. 
"Ya do some good bakin sweetheart." 
"Thanks Red. No more until tomorrow. If I catch you I'll set Nala on you." You take his plate and he whines. 
"No faaaaaair."
"Plenty fair. Now deal with it. Your brother and Black seem close."
"Yeah, they have been since we were little."
"I think they have a thing for each other."
"Ya do?"
"Yeah. They'd be cute together."
"Ugh…." Red complains. "No way. Edge has way higher standards."
You start the dishwasher and start putting the displays together. Red helps with this, following your actions and copying them. Once its all set up you wrap everything. Nala meows at you and you scratch her head. Soon Edge and Black come back down and Black leaves. The three of you go to the livingroom and you turn on a movie. You see Friday the 13th and put it on. You sit next to the armrest and Red sits beside you.
You were doing good until the killer jumped out and you scream. "Ya doin okay sweetheart?"
"Y-yeah, just startled." You keep jumping and soon you're clinging to Red, sitting in his lap. The gore is what really gets you. You whimper slightly and cling to him more. Clover comes home from work at the end of the movie and watches you.
"Why'd you put it on if you knew you'd get scared?"
"Because I like the movie?...." you say sheepishly from the hood of Reds jacket. He'd put it over you and pulled the hood up.
"I'll never understand you."
"I like horror movies but get scared easy." You get up and walk over to her before hugging her.
"I have tomorrow off. We'll all have time for the party. Now all three of you should sleep." You all yawn and go upstairs. Before too long you fall asleep. 
A screaming wakes you up. You jump out of bed and grab Nala before racing out to the hall. The door to Edges room flys open and Edge hurries to Red's room. You follow close behind. You see Red tossing and turning while screaming and crying in him sleep. You run to him but Edge is already shaking him awake.
"Red, get up. Come on." He growls softly. Red continue to sleep but his cries turn to whimpers with magic seeping out of his closed eye. You climb on the bed with him and start shaking him too. "Sans, wake up." Edge says and Red opens his eyes and bolts upright.
"Red?" You ask, sitting on your knees beside him.  He looks to you with tears still running down his face. He looks like he'd lost someone important to him. You hug him tightly, making his head rest on your chest.
"What was it about this time?" Edge asks as Red wrapped his arms around you. Red shakes his head and you stroke his skull soothingly. "Was it the same one you normally have?"
"N-not this time……" he says shakily. You bend your head down and rub the tip of your nose against his skull. "Was different….."
"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask and he grumbles.
"Was bout that night I came back here….. when I was hurt….. only was worse….." he clings to you tighter.
"Easy, easy." You soothe him more. "No need to say more. We're all here safely."
"Ya should know……" he whispered. Edge sits beside Red and puts a hand on his back to show he was there too. "He…… he had ya sweetheart….. you too bro……. Was bad…. He dusted ya bro….. right in front of me then…….." he whimpers softly and you kiss the top of his head. "Sweetheart……. H-he was torturin you……. T-then……." His frame is racked by sobs. 
"Shhhhhh, I'm alright. It was just a dream. I'm right here for you, I'm not leaving." You pull him closer to you as he continues to sob. "Edge, I got this if you want to go back to sleep."
"I'm not leaving him like this." He says before wrapping his arms around both of you so he could hug his brother as well. Red was sandwiched between the two of you. You keep murmuring soothing words to him and soon the sound of your heart beating had lulled him to sleep. 
"Has this happened before?" You ask Edge and he nods.
"As a young teenager he had them to the point that he got insomnia….. our father wasn't that understanding would let him suffer from them for hours….. then would beat him for it in the morning….." he sighs and you look at Red's peaceful face. "Eventually as soon as I heard him screaming I'd go and wake him up before it woke our father up….."
"Ah…. You know, you're a good brother."
"Nyeh, I know that. He's lucky to have me."
"He really is. Your relationship kinda reminds me of mine and Cammie's. When she lived here she'd always come racing down the stairs to make sure I was okay. She insisted on being up there because she could look out over the whole neighborhood….."
"I'm glad he met you." You look over to Edge. He was starting at the ceiling. "Who knows where we'd be right now if he hadn't gotten to be friends with you. He's lucky to have you too." You look over at him surprised. 
"Y-you mean that?"
"He doesn't get like this with anyone else. You're special to him."
"I'm just myself. Nothing special. We shouldn't leave him tonight. We should sleep."
"I doubt you could get away. But yes, we should sleep."
"Thank you." He chuckles. 
"You're welcome.  Good night."
"Night." You both fall back to sleep.

(Hey guys! Today the story hit 1000 reads! In so honored! The story is about half way done now too! Just working the endings now! Thanks for all of the support and I love you all.)

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