chapter 55: Christmas shopping

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With your exams next week you know that studying was important but a day to rest from it was also important. Sunday you head to the mall to meet up with Carmen. You put your hair up and put on a long white off the shoulder sweater. You put thermal leggings on and winter boots. Once you were done that you pull your pink scarf along with matching gloves and a matching toque. You sling your purse over your shoulders and slide down the banister. 
"(Y/N)! YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD HOW MANY TIMES NOT TO DO THAT?!" Edge yells at you from the livingroom. 
"And I'm gonna listen because?" You say back and he groans. 
"Where ya goin sweetheart?" Red asks.
"Christmas shopping. No, you can't come." You say and he frowns. 
"You goin with someone?"
"Cammie is picking me up. Should be here any time." You hear a car horn sound and grin. "Speak of the devil. Gotta go." You grab your keys and run out to your sister's car.
"You look cute sis." Cammie says.
"Auntie recorded your and Inks performance."
"Uuuuuuugh." You groan as she starts driving.
"You looked happy."
"Yeah! You ready to shop till you drop?"
"Don't phrase it that way." You sigh but nod.
She pulls into the mall and you start looking around. You find multiple vinyl records. Classical for Forté and hip hop for Jazzy. Sans got a bunch of books on stars. You got Rus some new hoodies like his other ones. For Blue you got cookbooks for all types of Mexican food. You get Nightmare some fantasy books. You got Dream some books to help with clothing designs. You get Abyss some clothing too but more fancy stuff. You find a beautiful earring and necklace set for Buttercup. You find some action movies for Cherry. You get basic skull necklaces for both Edge and Black, they had to match. Comet got some creams that were supposed help reduce marks on monsters and humans. Papyrus got some new shirts for his training with Undyne. Ink was getting an art set.
"Uuuugh!" You groan out. You see Jazzy and he comes over.
"What's up sweet pea?" He asks.
"I'm Christmas shopping and am almost done but cant find anything good for Red."
"You'll figure something out. I gotta go though, dad asked me to help with the shop."
"Alright." You wave to him as he runs off.
You continue your search and eventually see something that catches your eye. Its It's a necklace but it was different than most. It was like both a human soul and a monster soul all in one. One side was half of a green heart that was right side up. The other side was offset and a ruby red. It was white gold and would sit right in between the collar bones. You buy it and smile. This was perfect. You find some jewelry for Carmen and Clover before meeting your sister at the car. You get some wrapping paper that had monster and human souls all over it on your way home. You also get the cutest tags for them. Cute little reindeer ones. You go home and try to sneak upstairs but Red is sitting right in the middle of them.
"Ey, sweetheart. Fancy seein ya here."
"Really Red? You numbskull." You grin at him and he laughs. You hear Edge groan form somewhere in the house. "Outta the way, I gotta put stuff away." You step around him and he teleports in front of you. 
"Let me help." You throw the wrapping paper and tags at him.
"Put this somewhere. You cant see anything I got." You push past him and run into your room. You go into your closet and quickly open the safe in it. You carefully put everything in it and close it. You then let a curtain fall over it and you go out. You hear Edge knock on your door.  "Come in Edge."
He comes in and you see Red being held up by the jacket. "HE WAS SMACKING ME WITH THE WRAPPING PAPER." You stare at Red. 
"Seriously man? Why?"
"It was fun." His eyes dart around the room. You take the roll of wrapping paper from him And put it in the corner by your desk.
"You wont find it. I already put the stuff away where you cant get to." He scowls.
"I haven't said a word." Red defends himself. 
"Yet." You add. Edge drops his brother who teleports to your bed. Edge rolls his eyes and leaves the room.
"Ya get it all done?"
"Think so. You're not gonna find where I put the stuff. Even if you do, you won't be able to get at it." He laughs and hugs you.
"Ya ready for the exam tomorrow?"
"Yeah, are you?"
"Eh, as ready as I'll ever be." He shrugs.
"I think you guys will all do well. I mean, we all do study sessions once a week."
"I guess." He says.
"I'm going to get some rest. See you in the morning?"
"Course." He says before leaving. You get changed and fall asleep. 
-Dream start-
You were in the bathroom at school. You were crying suddenly the door opens. You look and see Buttercup in the mirror.
"Guys! Shes in here!" She yells. You know that shes yelling at your other friends but something isnt right. You backup and suddenly Sans, Red, Dream, Nightmare, Cherry and Ink are there you back up more as Buttercup leans against the door and locks it. Then you hit the wall. The others advance on you.
"H-hey guys…." You stutter out.
"Don't give us that." Sans says coldly.
"Ya ain't worth all this time we've been givin ya." Red hisses at you.
Ink saunters up to you and grabs you by the chin. "Let's give her a lesson she'll remember."
"I think well have a good time." Cherry says.
You let out a small whimper and the twins laugh. "Look at that Nightmare, she's scared." Dream says.
"Well at least its the proper reaction." Nightmare replies. Suddenly Ink tightens his hold on your chin. You feel one side of your jaw give in and break. You let out a soft whimper. Ink throws you to the side and you hit your head hard off the wall.
You notice Red coming over and he stomps on your head. You let out a small cry of pain. You hear the others snickering ant then you feel extreme pain in your left knee. You scream out in pain soon you feel stabbing sensations all over and you scream out more. This was torture. You start sobbing between screams. You beg for them to stop. This hurt too much. You feel shaking but it's faint. You continue your screaming and then you hear something like buzzing. You look up to see a huge animal like skull charging a red laser like thing. You look and see Red's left eye glowing. You scream out again and you're roughly shaken then everything disappears. 
-Dream end- 
Your eyes fly open and you see Red. You scream and shake him off then jump off of your bed. You run to the opposite side of the room.
"Sweetheart?" Red asks and you cover your ears. You see his mouth moving but between you covering your ears and your fear you cant hear anything.  He moves towards you but you let out a scream and you duck into your bathroom and lock the door. You feel someone knocking hard on the door and you whimper. He was gonna hurt you! He was going to get the others too and they would hurt you more. 
Theres a crack of bright blue magic in front of you. You look to see Sans there. You let out a shriek and quickly open your bathroom door and dart out. You notice others there and dodge all of them before running up the stairs to the 3rd floor. The only room the boys were familiar with was the one that you use to study. You skid into one of them and gently close the doors. You hide in Cammie's old room. You go under the bed and just hide there. You cower under the bed with pure fear radiating from you. 
You stay quiet as you hear people calling for you but you cover your mouth. You had tears running down your face when the door opens. "Sunshine?" Inks voice rings out.
"She's in here somewhere." You hear Dream say. You bite your lip to keep from making a sound. You're so scared. Suddenly you see Ink duck his head to look under the bed. 
"Sunshine? Is that you?" He says softly. You don't make a sound then he crawls under with you. You cant move. Tears start falling faster. He puts a hand on your shoulder and you flinch away. "Easy easy. You had a night terror." He whispers. 
"Is she under there Ink?"
"Yeah, I got her Dream. At least she didn't go outside. Who knows where she would be if she had." Ink wraps an arm around your waist and you let out a sob. You're pulled from under the bed and into Ink's arms. "Shhhhh, you're alright." You struggle to get away.
"What's going on?" A soft voice says. You look over to see a sleepy looking Forté. "I heard screaming earlier then everyone yelling." You struggle against Ink and he finally lets go. You run to Forté and hide behind him.
"Sweetheart?" You look to see Red, Sans and Nightmare there. Behind them is Edge, Gaster and Clover. You back up away from them. There was a look of pure fear on your face.
You start stuttering in Spanish. "S-stay away! D-don't come n-near!
"Sweetheart, let us help you."
"I said stay away!" You scream out then Edge speaks up.
"What does it matter to you? You'd just get them hurt me……" you look away. "Auntie….. don't make me go go-to school…….. c-cant be there right now……" you say softly. Dream walks over and puts a hand on your shoulder. You flinch away from him so violently everyone looks shocked. 
"Dream…. Not a good idea…." Nightmare says. You glance at him to see tears running down his face. You look at all of your friends to see them either in tears or close to them. You look pleadingly at your aunt. She sighs.
"Gaster, do you think it's a good idea for her to be at school?" Gaster looks up and down at your shaking form.
"I don't think it would be a good idea at the moment. This isnt just me talking as someone who cares about her. I'm saying it as her doctor. Sans, why don't you stay here for the night. Everyone else go home." You can tell they don't like the idea but they do it anyways.
"Starshine." You flinch and run to Clover.
"Sans, stay with Red tonight……" you whisper and Clover takes you with her to her room.

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