∙chapter 31

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⎮London- 1 Week Later⎮

"Evie honey are you in there?" Steve's voice rings out as I put on my earrings in the mirror. I was currently getting ready to go with him to Peggy Carter's funeral. Dad and Steve both knew her and I used to visit with her all the time, she was Dad's godmother and favorite aunt. She and Steve used to have a tiny thing but Steve says that he more saw her as a friend.

"Come in Papa!" I say, going over to my suitcase to find my necklaces. The door opens and Steve comes in, dressed for the funeral and he looks somber. "You look, nice Papa," I compliment as I quickly put my necklace on, or at least attempt. 

"Want help?" He asks walking over. I gratefully nod, handing him the necklace. "Did your Dad call?" Steve asks after a moment of silence as he works on the clasp. I shake my head with a sigh.

"He sent flowers for the reception with a card and paid for the funeral," I state with a sigh. Dad and Steve haven't been talking much since the accords started, especially since the last time they did, Dad and Steve got into a huge argument. Of course, I didn't see the argument, Pietro had happened to be going into the kitchen and told Peter who told me, and then Peter and I cuddled the rest of the night, worried about our family.

"That was nice of him," Steve mumbles, pulling me out of my musing. I turn around and give him a hug, knowing he needs the support today.  "You look beautiful." He says once I pull away, making me smile. 

"Aunt Peggy once picked out a dress similar to this for something when I was little and she gave me this coat a long time ago," I say picking it out of the carrying case. It was vintage, it had been Peggy's in her youth and she said it would fit me perfectly one day.

"She knew how to pick out anything, clothes.." He trails off making me let out a small chuckle.

"Super Soldiers and of course her friendship with Grandfather Howard," I say making him nod in agreement. We let the memory of her linger for a moment before I glance at my watch. "We better go, the service starts in a half-hour, "I state, grabbing my purse from the bed.  Steve puts his arm out for me and we leave the hotel room together.

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