∙chapter 40

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One Month Later - New York⎮

⌈Evie's Journal⌋

It's been a crazy month since Bucky moved into the tower. Not only was he not the only one to move in but there was an awkward reunion between Bucky, Natasha, and Yelena who all had met during their stints in Russian-Based terrorist groups that decided to be like sister schools and share classes. Besides that the move would be rather successful in my personal opinion, Yelena got the free room by Natasha, and Bucky moved into the room a floor below Steve and Dad, right next to Sam who was not too happy about the move. There have been a couple of arguments between the two, but I think they're starting to be friends. 

Bucky's been going to therapy between SHIELD and Sam's sessions. He's been able to get rid of some of the habits instilled by Hydra but he's overly protective due to his time spent apart from Steve and that has extended to Peter, Dad, and I who have all caught bugs in our clothes so Bucky could keep an eye on us; which we left to be kind and help him adjust.

Bucky did not take it well when he found out I had a boyfriend, he thought I was entirely too young and wanted to know all about the kid so he somehow did a complete background check and decided that he was okay for now. He felt slightly better knowing Loki, Thor and both my parents liked him but was insisting on meeting him, which I might allow soon but I've been avoiding bringing Harry over when Bucky was home, instead of taking him after school when Bucky's in therapy or his mandated SHIELD therapy and psychiatry visits.


I put down my journal after writing my latest entry, deciding to pay attention to Mr.Harrington as he talks about our next project, the class had lagged on longer than usual and I just wanted to get out. We have two weeks of school left and I'm just over the year since all the craziness. 

"And remember this project is worth half your final grade so please put ample amounts of time into it." Mr.Harrington lectures before the bell cut off any additional information he can give. "If you have any questions, please email or stay after." He dismisses us as many of us started packing up the moment the bell rang. "Evie, can you stay after for a minute?" He suggests, causing my friends to glance at me concerned as they left. I give a swift nod and sling my bag on my shoulder, walking up to the desk, and waiting until everyone leaves the room. 

"Is something wrong Mr.Harrington?" I question confused, I didn't think I owed any work or anything, the school had given us all of it last month and we stayed on top of it. 

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you've had a crazy year and I noticed you zoning out in class today. " He starts, giving me a concerned glance. 

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