∙chapter 10

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⎮Stark Tower- 2 Weeks Later⎮

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Stark Tower- 2 Weeks Later

"Miss Stark, your father would like you to get breakfast before the mission," JARVIS says waking me up from my slumber. I groan and roll over before realizing what he said.

"Mission?" I mumble as I get up out of bed. I check my phone and text Ned, MJ, and Peter back before I make my bed.

"Yes Miss Stark, your father said you could come with them to the Hydra Base to find the scepter," JARVIS says. I smirk and run into the bathroom to get a quick shower. "Your father says that you need to be in the kitchen in a half-hour," JARVIS says as I turn on the shower. JARVIS plays my playlist as I hop in. I quickly shower and after I put my bathrobe on, drying my hair before putting my hair into two tight dutch braids. I then go to my closest and put on the new suit I made in the lab with my dad along with my boots that Natasha had gotten me for Christmas. I grab my mask from the shelf and place it in the backpack I always pack for missions. It has a change of clothes, extra boots, a sweatshirt in case I get cold.

"Morning," I say as I walk into the kitchen looking at my phone

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"Morning," I say as I walk into the kitchen looking at my phone. I then look up and realize my two uncles are here. "Uncle Thor! Uncle Loki!" I say excitedly. Thor lets out a big booming laugh and opens his arms. I run and give him a huge hug and he spins me around before passing me to Loki who gives me a hug and kisses my forehead. "You guys are here for the mission?" I ask after I get set down.

"Yes, my scepter has finally been found so we are here to help find it," Loki says going into the fridge. I greet my parents and the rest of the family before plopping myself between Thor and Loki's seats. Loki comes over with a big plate of food that looks humungous including a yogurt bowl and fruits.

"Uncle Loki, I really think that's alot of food," I say overwhelmed. He adds a cup of orange juice. I go to protest further but he sends me a look. "Don't even argue, I've been doing magic since the day I was born. You need a lot of energy. You'll also eat on the jet." Loki says sternly. I grumble and eat the yogurt, not wanting to eat too much and feel sick, the nerves settling in.

"Loki is right honey, you need your energy," Natasha says as she eats her own food. I nod and we all continue to eat out breakfast. We start talking about summer plans, trying to save mission talk for the quinjet. "So кукла, what are your friends doing this weekend?" Natasha asks while she pours herself more coffee.

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