∙chapter 30

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⎮Avengers Compound- Next Day⎮

Since it was the weekend and with everything going on, Dad decided that we would stay at the compound for the weekend and we were still able to go to school on Monday. Pietro, Bruce, and I decided to use the weekend for research and OPDP has been going through every corner of the internet trying to find more connections that will connect Ross to Rumlow and help us figure out the angle that is trying to be executed. I had volunteered myself to go upstairs and grab snacks since I needed a break from staring at a screen, even if we had only been doing it since 8 am, meaning about 2 hours. 

"Hey Ev," Sam says while I walk in, he was the only one in the common area today, everyone else is keeping to themselves. I saw that he was watching the news and eyed the screen for any information while I started grabbing snacks for us. "What are you having a snack party?" Sam asks.

"No, Uncle Bruce and Pietro are helping me in the lab with some Chemistry stuff and we got a little hungry," I say putting all the food into a box. "I was sent as the snack grabber," I add with a giggle before going into the fridge for drinks.

"Make way Queens, there's a new superhero!"The news announces making Sam and I both shoot up. "The young hero calls himself Spider-Man and seems to patrol the city at night, saving people from muggings, and other crimes." She adds making me look confused as I watch someone in a onesie spider climb up a wall, and other clips of him stopping busses and crimes. "The identity of Spider-Man is unknown, we will have more to report later on." Then the weather comes on and Sam mutes it, turning toward me. 

"Another superhero?" Sam asks in disbelief. I ask him to play it back and he nods, confused. I have him pause and realize where I've seen that hoodie before and Sam looks at me confused. "Are you okay, you look like you just got gutted like a fish?" He asks after my realization. 

"Yeah I'm good Uncle Sam," I say as I grab the box. "I just remembered that I need to get down to the lab before Uncle Bruce sends out a missing person's report." I joke, waving to him as I go into the elevator. Once the doors close, I go over the thoughts running through my mind before calling for Friday. "Fri, can you tell Peter to meet me in the lab, "I ask with a smile. 

"Yes Evie," FRIDAY says. I quickly walk into the lab and close the doors, dropping the box making Bruce and Pietro look at me. I fill them in on what I discovered about Peter, knowing that Bruce needed to know since he is our doctor and in case Peter getss seriously injured. 

"You are sure?" Bruce asks.I nod and go to say more but the lab doors open, revealing Peter. He looks at the three of us confused.

"Why did you call me down here Ev?" Peter asks as the doors close behind him. I sigh and motion for him to sit and the other two decide to go raid the snack bin so that it's not as tense.

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