∙chapter 38

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⎮Stark Tower -Same Day


"What the fuck!" Dad shouts in complete disbelief, dropping his wrench,  clutching his heart with a glare placed on me. "How - Why-What?!" Dad splutters out random questions, seemingly failing to comprehend the English language as he absently sends an alert through Friday for the family to come to his workshop. 

"Oh God, that landing was not the way I wanted it to go." I chuckle as I land in the middle of Dad's workshop, after teleporting for the first time using the bracelet that Loki made me. Before I can explain what's going on, Steve, Clint, Sam, and Bruce come into the room looking concerned which turns into shock when they see me standing in the workshop in a white widow suit. 

"Where in the hell have you been kid?" Clint snaps out of his shock first, perks of having 3 kids; and he comes to hug me, looking me over for injuries. The others snap out of their shock and give me hugs, Steve and Dad lasting the longest.

"We just went over all this on the phone, now I don't have a lot of time, we need to help Aunt Nat," I state. "Suit up and call Fury, we have a location on the RedRoom." Clint's eyes narrow at the sound of me having found it and the others who had heard my call get very angry. 

"We will be talking about all of this quite later but for now I need you to tell us the plan as quickly as possible while Bruce calls Fury," Dad demands, eyes narrowing on me as if begging me to do something stupid at the moment. 

"Why am I calling Fury?" Bruce questions confused since it was normally Clint's job.

"Since I doubt we'll need Jolly Green on this mission, you can inform Pirate Nick while we make plans and you are our backup on the computer." Dad rolls his eyes, using a tone that one would use on a toddler. 

"Wow, didn't know you could use logic, Tony."Bruce snarks as he leaves the room, going to presumably call in the calvary. 

"I missed him," I state, watching him go before turning toward the rest of the family. "Okay, so where is everyone else?" I ask, hoping we had more numbers for this. 

"This is what we've got," Steve informs me. "Loki and Thor are off-world, Rhodes is working his everyday job,  and the other teens aren't allowed to fight this one. The only reason we're letting you go on is that we're assuming you are an intricate part of the plan." He gives me a pointed look, knowing that I won't be backing down on this one. 

"Yeah, I'm basically the bait." I absently state. Ignoring the looks that my family was sending me, I started explaining the plan and what we were dealing with. "Basically after we get to the Red Room, the plan is going to be up to you guys, Melina is getting me into the prison cells and I'll be able to help Melina with the mechanical side of things. I won't be doing too much fighting." I relieve them of some of their worries. 

The Baby AvengerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora