BD Drama

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On the way back to Sammy's, Jay texted me immediately.

Jay: When you gonna do a scene with me?

Mia: When your agent contacts mine.

Jay: I'll make sure that happens.  In the meantime, when can I tear that pussy up again?

My clit throbs as I try to hold back a smile. I lock my phone and think about fucking Jay.

"You working at the club tonight?" Sammy asked, snapping me out of my day dream.

"Yeah, I'll be there tonight and tomorrow night. Gotta grab that weekend cash real quick."

"Good, stage been cold since you ain't been on it."

"Oh don't worry baby I'ma get it hot."

We pulled up to his house and I called Olive to come outside.

"Can you take me to Brian's?" She asked Sammy as she got in the Range.

"Is his mom okay with that?" I asked her.

"Yes. She loves me."

Sammy started to drive to Brian's.

"If you say so. So you ready to talk about that ain't shit father of yours?"

"We went to Bones after the hospital and everything was going good. He gets up to go to the bathroom and he literally never came back. The waitress brought the check and I was sitting there looking dumb telling her my dad was in the bathroom and he would be back any minute. Any minute turned into 20 minutes and 20 minutes turned into never. The waitress got the manager and I explained to the manager that I was only 15 and I couldn't pay. The manager let me sit in her office until Sammy came and got me."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Olive."

"It's okay. It just hurt my feelings. I thought we were getting close again."

"I'm sure he'll be back around again."

After that, we rode to music on the way to Brian's.

Sammy dropped me off at my house and told me he would see me later at the club.

When I got home, I appreciated the peace and quiet of having the house to myself. I take my jacket off, head into the kitchen to pour me up a glass of wine and lay on the couch. I never get to spend much time in the living room because my mom is always out here drunk. It was actually really nice. I turn on the tv and start to watch the second season of Scandal. I look at my phone and remember that I never texted Jay back.

Mia: Never.

Jay: Stop playing with me. You know you miss this dick.

He wasn't lying.

Mia: Maybe I'll see you later. Im working tonight and don't get off until late so we'll see if you're awake.

Jay: I'd stay up forty days and forty nights for that pussy.

I smiled at my phone and put it down. I drank wine and watched Scandal until it was time to get ready to go to the club.

While in the mirror doing my face, Justin calls me.

"Hey Angel, how was it hanging out with everybody?"

"It was really fun."

"I'm glad you guys got to get acquainted. You ready to do a real scene?"

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