You Up?

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I was woken around 6:45 am by Olive and Brian asking me if I could take him home because he didn't want to wear the same clothes to school. I wasn't bout to bring his ass home so his mom can yell at me for him not going so I gave him some of Sammy's clothes that he had left over here before to put on, without Sammy's knowledge of course but he'll be aight. They both went to school and I went back to sleep.

We both woke up around 12 pm. We went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth together. We showered together. It just felt like us again. I missed him.

We laid down in the bed together all lotioned up, he in his boxers and I naked in my little lace robe.

"I didn't even get to tell you what happened yesterday."

"Yeah cause you went crazy."

"Boy fuck you, you know why I went crazy. Anyway, Remember when my mom escaped from the rehab?"


"That day, she left with this random man named Moe-"

"Moe? The pimp?"

"You know who he is ?! Why am I the only one who didn't know?"

"I don't know baby you must live under a rock." 

"Well shit... long story short I don't know where my mom is and if she's fucking with him, she must be out here getting pimped. So I want to go find her."

"You sure you wanna go down this road Mia? Moe ain't nobody to fuck with."

If one more person tells me this big bitch aint nobody to fuck with I'm gonna lose my mind.

"I don't care! He told me if I wanna find my mom to ask her. She ain't answering her phone so my next best bet is to find her."

"Wait you talked to him?"

Shit. Hopefully he doesn't ask me any extra questions because I definitely was with Jay.

"Yeah. I saw him out with a bitch and I went up to him."

"And how did that go?"

"He told me if I come up to him like that again he gonna slap me and my mom across Atlanta and that if I want to know where she at then to ask her. But I know he knew I couldn't just simply ask her."

"Damn. Well if you really wanna find her, I know a couple of places we could look."

"Hmmm why you know where the hoes at? Trick ass nigga." I bust out laughing, making him laugh.

"Stop playing with me. Everybody know where the hoes be at except your lil DMV ass." We were both still laughing.

"Mhmmm sureeeeee."

We got up and got dressed and I let him drive my car to wherever Moe's one of many lil hoe blocks or whatever the fuck, was. Groups of niggas was on every block at every corner store, homeless people and hella crackheads, abandoned and boarded up homes, bitches all up and down the street in high heels and skimpy outfits bent over talking to tricks in they cars, you name it. Sammy slowed down enough for me to scope out the bitches but not too slow to where people would ask us what we were doing there and we'd have to get the fuck out of there.

"Wassup baby?" A prostitute missing majority of her bottom row of teeth came up to his window at a stop sign. Sammy kept driving, avoiding eye contact. I didn't see my mom anywhere.

"You know another spot?"

"There's a more upscale area he owns, we can drive over there."

"Yeah she probably would be there cause she was never a two dollar hoe. At least $40." I said, both of us busting out laughing shortly after.

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