SHE (Beyoncé and Normani) - 23

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Diamanté sassily strutted inside the condo, but the moment she sat down, she covered her face and started crying. I heaved a sigh, hating to see her like this. At least I could comfort her.

I let her get it all out, rubbing her back and stroking her hair every now and again. When she calmed down, her face was a bit puffy and flushed.

"Alright, enough of this crying shit," she said, wiping at her nose.

I stared at her softly. "You good?"

She half-smiled and lifted a finger. I noticed it wasn't even polished, which was rare for D.

As her smile crumbled, she fanned herself to get her composure back. But she broke down again.

"See, you need to get it out first," I said, rubbing her knee supportively as she sobbed.

Megan dumped her. She basically called Diamanté a distraction.

"I have dreams too, shit," D got out after drinking a couple gulps of the cold water I provided her. "She ain't the only one with plans."

"Some people can't handle the two," I said, referring to relationships and careers.

"Yeah, but you make shit work."

I passed her a smile. "She just can't handle you, D."

She huffed loudly, making me chuckle. "I'm not even a distraction, I'm a hype-you-up type of chick. You got goals and aspirations? I'm right there cheering you on...we gon' climb the mountain top together."

It's true, though. I've only ever known D to be a real life friend, supporter, hype"man", and advocate all rolled in one.

I burst into the chorus of The Climb by Miley Cyrus, knowing Diamanté would appreciate it. I picked up the remote from the TV stand and used it as my mic. "There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move," I crooned. "Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose."

Diamanté joined me. "Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side."

"IT'S THE CLIMB!" we sang before laughing gleefully.

We grew up on that song. Yes, Miley Cyrus was that bitch back in the day.

"It's karaoke night?" a different voice said.

We snapped our heads over to the living room entrance to see Beyoncé.

"My bad babe, I forgot you were taking a nap," I apologized.

She brushed it off, smiling. "It was time for me to wake up anyway. Hi Diamanté. I think that was my first time hearing you sing."

My friend chortled. "What can I say? I caught the holy ghost for a minute."

"Miley Cyrus does that? Who knew."

I smirked at Beyoncé while D was laughing at her unintentional shade. "I'm trying to cheer her up and that's one of our songs."

"Oh no, what happened?"

I fought the urge to smile at Beyoncé's genuine concern.

"Megan dumped me," Diamante explained flatly. Then she gasped and widened her eyes. "Sorry, I forgot she's your ex, too. I don't want to make things awkw-"

"Don't even worry 'bout it. If you don't mind, what happened?" Beyoncé sat down and we did the same.

I was on Beyoncé's lap as Diamante was sitting cross legged beside us. As she relayed the story to Beyoncé, I didn't want her to break down again, so I squeezed her hand like I did before, now and again.

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