Puppies and Kittens Part 4

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"You know what, shut up." Hammond barked to Murphy before looking at Garnett. "We'll take 'em to the next safe outpost." He started walking away, muttering one last thing. "Man, I hate moral dilemmas."

I leaned my head back against the wall, nodding a silent agreement. I guess this man isn't all bad, he just wants to get his job done. I respect that, however he could do it with a little more respect. Murphy walked back over to his original spot, muttering.

"Well what's next, chief? You gonna start a college fund for 'im?" Garnett rolled his eyes at Murphy's words as Warren's voice sounded through the building.

"Puppies and kittens, 200 yards away." We all snapped back into action, and I noticed the look of confusion on Hammond's face as my group and I walked towards the door.

"Zombies." Garnett and I clarified, and Hammond jumped back into fight mode.

"Alright everybody, time to go. You five," he pointed to Mack, Addy, Doc, Cassandra, and myself, "I want you to gather all the food and weapons you can find, load 'em in that truck. The keys are still inside." Okay, I'm over it. This man isn't the boss of us. I mean, we would've done that anyway, but still.

"Hey!" I barked, gaining everyone's attention since it was relatively out of character for me to raise my voice to a stranger- especially if they held some sort of authority over me. "We haven't talked about this. You," I pointed to Hammond, "are not the boss of us. He," I pointed to Garnett, "is." I glared at Hammond, not flinching when he got in my face.

"We can talk about it later, kid. Right now, you do what I tell you." I clenched my fist, and felt a hand on my shoulder. Doc was standing there, giving me a reassuring nod before paying attention to Hammond again, as he continued giving orders. "Garnett, you stay here with the baby and Murphy until we get back. Warren, you and I are gonna see if we can start up that deuce-and-a-half. Everybody meets back here in five."

Hammond walked towards the door, stopping and turning to face us when he noticed no one was following. He stormed back over and glared at all of us. "Go!" He yelled, and we looked at Garnett. We only cared about what he had to say.

Garnett looked at us, and began to nod.

"Go." That's all we needed to hear. My group and I walked out first, leaving Garnett, Murphy, the baby, Warren and Hammond behind.

3rd Person POV

As Hammond watched the others walk out, he looked at Warren. "How you wanna handle this?" He asked, Warren looking at him with calmness.

"We usually like takin' it to 'em, sir." Hammond didn't appreciate the sarcasm in her voice, but brushed it off as he had more to worry about. If anything, he gained the knowledge of where the young sniper may have gotten her snarkiness from.

Then again, he wouldn't be surprised if he found out she was born with it.

"Fine," he started, putting his gun away and pulling out his tactical knife, "let's do this, silent." As they walked out to kick some zombie ass, the group of five were checking all the surrounding cars for supplies.

Doc noticed a Z with an impressive looking knife in its chest, and kneeled down to pull it out. Suddenly, the zombie jolted into action and grabbed Doc's shoulders, getting to it's feet and attempting to take a chunk out of his face. The other four ran to his aid as he started shouting, attempting to line up any shot they could to kill the Z their friend was in a grapple with.

"I don't have a clear shot!" Addy shouted.

"God dammit, Doc! Keep it still!" Alrrami yelled, trying to aim her pistol at the Z, but they were moving too much for her to have a shot she was confident would kill the zombie- and not her friend. If she had the high-ground this would have been so much easier.

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